Love life : a vaudeville in two parts [critical report] |
2023 |
Happy end : ein Stück mit Musik in drei Akten |
2020 |
Lady in the dark : a musical play in two acts : Critical report |
2017 |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 1, Stage Vol. 13, Critical report Johnny Johnson : a play with music in three acts / play by Paul Green. Music by Kurt Weill. Ed. by Tim Carter |
2012 |
Ser. 1, Vol. 13, Critical report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 2, Concert Vol. 2, Critical report Music with solo violin : ed. by Andreas Eichhorn |
2010 |
Ser. 2, Vol. 2, Critical report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 1, Stage Vol. 0, Critical report Zaubernacht : Kinderpantomime / Musik von Kurt Weill. Szenarium von Wladimir Boritsch. Ed. by Elmar Juchem und Andrew Kuster |
2008 |
Ser. 1, Vol. 0, Critical report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 1, Stage Vol. 1, Critical report Der Protagonist : Ein-Akt-Oper; op. 15 / Musik von Kurt Weill; Text von Georg Kaiser. Ed. by Gunther Diehl and Jürgen Selk |
2006 |
Ser. 1, Vol. 1, Critical report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 2, Concert Vol. 1, Critical report Chamber music / ed. by Wolfgang Rathert and Jürgen Selk |
2004 |
Ser. 2, Vol. 1, Critical report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 1, Stage Vol. 18, Critical report Firebrand of Florence : broadway operetta in two acts / music by Kurt Weill. Lyrics by Ira Gershwin. Book by Edwin Justus Mayer based on his play The Firebrand. Ed. by Joel Galand |
2002 |
Ser. 1, Vol. 18, Critical Report |
The Kurt Weill edition Ser. 1, Stage Vol. 5, Critical report Die Dreigroschenoper : ein Stück mit Musik in einem Vorspiel und acht Bildern nach dem Englischen des John Gay. Übers. von Elisabeth Hauptmann; dt. Bearb. von Bertolt Brecht; Musik von Kurt Weill; ed. by Stephen Hinton and Edward Harsh |
2000 |
Ser. 1, Vol. 5, Critical report |