Special section on Algorithmic game theory - STOC/FOCS/SODA 2012 |
2019 |
volume 113 (January 2019) |
Special issue in honor of Lloyd Shapley : eight topics in game theory |
2018 |
volume 108 (March 2018) |
John Nash memorial |
2017 |
volume 103 (May 2017) |
Special issue in honor of John O. Ledyard |
2017 |
volume 101 (January 2017) |
Special issue in honor of John Nash |
2011 |
71.2011,1 |
Special issue in honor of Robert Aumann |
2010 |
69.2010,1 |
Special issue in honor of Ehud Kalai |
2010 |
70.2010,1 |
Special issue in honor of Martin Shubik |
2009 |
65.2009,1 |
Special issue : second world congress of the Game Theory Society |
2008 |
63.2008,2 |
Special issue in honor of Michael B. Maschler |
2008 |
64.2008,2 |
Special issue in honor of David Schmeidler |
2005 |
50.2005,1 |
Special issue on neuroeconomics |
2005 |
52.2005,2 |
Special issue in honor of Richard D. McKelvey |
2005 |
51.2005,2 |
Special issue: First World Congress of the Game Theory Society |
2003 |
45.2003,1 |
Special issue in honor of Robert W. Rosenthal |
2003 |
45.2003,2 |
Special issue: Economics and artificial intelligence |
2001 |
35.2001,1/2 |
Special issue on learning in games : a symposium in honor of David Blackwell |
1999 |
29.1999,1/2 |
Special issue: Robert J. Aumann : Part 2 |
1998 |
24.1998,1/2 |
Special issue: Social organization and mechanism design |
1998 |
25.1998,2 |