Asset home bias in debtor and creditor countries
2023 |
Zhang, Ning |
Bayesian mixed-frequency quantile vector autoregression : eliciting tail risks of monthly US GDP
2023 |
Iacopini, Matteo |
Analysts' underreaction and momentum strategies
2023 |
Gonçalves de Azevedo, Vitor |
Unstable diffusion in social networks
2023 |
Kobayashi, Teruyoshi |
A revisit to sovereign risk contagion in eurozone with mutual exciting regime-switching model
2023 |
Ge, Shuyi |
On current and future carbon prices in a risky world
2023 |
Olijslagers, Stan |
Counter-cyclical margins for option portfolios
2023 |
Chen, Yuanyuan |
Optimal stress tests and liquidation cost
2023 |
Gu, Jiadong |
Skilled immigration, offshoring, and trade
2023 |
Mehra, Mishita |
Monetary policy and the term structure of inflation expectations with information frictions
2023 |
McNeil, James |
Dynamic pricing, reference price, and price-quality relationship
2023 |
Anton, Ramona |
Resilience of international trade to typhoon-related supply disruptions
2023 |
Kuhla, Kilian |
Pollution and labor market search externalities over the business cycle
2023 |
Gibson, John |
Point estimation in sign-restricted SVARs based on independence criteria with an application to rational bubbles
2023 |
Herwartz, Helmut |
The Phillips curve at 65 : time for time and frequency
2023 |
Aguiar-Conraria, Luís |
Macroeconomic stabilisation properties of a euro area unemployment insurance scheme
2023 |
Kaufmann, Christoph |
Credible forward guidance
2023 |
Batista, Quentin |
Intermediaries' substitutability and financial network resilience : a hyperstructure approach
2023 |
Accominotti, Olivier |
Portfolio instability and socially responsible investment : experiments with financial professionals and students
2023 |
Tatarnikova, Olga |
Intergenerational transfers : public education and pensions with endogenous fertility
2023 |
Bishnu, Monisankar |