On the labour theory of value in Marx and in the Marxist tradition
2018 |
Garegnani, Pierangelo |
The stagnation tendencies of neoliberalism : a review essay
2018 |
Gualerzi, Davide |
Trekonomics : the economics of Star Trek
2018 |
Jaeckel, Johann K. |
Marx's legacy, régulation theory and contemporary capitalism
2018 |
Boyer, Robert |
Species being in the twenty-first century
2018 |
Morgan, Jamie |
Marx, finance and political economy
2018 |
Toporowski, Jan |
Sraffa's constructive and interpretive work, and Marx
2018 |
Gehrke, Christian |
Sectoral structure and change : insights from Marx
2018 |
Tregenna, Fiona |
Financialization, shareholder orientation and the cash holdings of US corporations
2018 |
Davis, Leila |
Institutions and "science" : the contest about pluralism in economics in France
2018 |
Chavance, Bernard |
Financialization : the economics of finance capital domination
2018 |
Dickens, Edwin T. |
Introduction to "On the labour theory of value in Marx and the Marxist tradition"
2018 |
Petri, Fabio |
Marx 200 : the abiding relevance of the labour theory of value
2018 |
Fine, Ben |
Surplus value production and realization in Marxian theory : applications to the US, 1990-2015
2018 |
Cogliano, Jonathan |
Environmental and societal attitudes to working hours in gendered perspective : patterns, preferences and policy
2018 |
Arntsen, Alexandra |
Public goods beyond markets
2018 |
Ramazzotti, Paolo |
US fiscal policy, manufacturing stagnation, and the shift to financialization in the era of globalization : an econometric analysis, 1973-2015
2018 |
Ansari, Shaukat |
Intermediation, money creation, and Keynesian macrodynamics in multi-agent systems
2018 |
Gibson, Bill |
Awkward classes and India's development
2018 |
Harriss-White, Barbara |
Marxism, Crypto-Marxism and the political economy of capitalism
2018 |
McDonough, Terrence |