Albert Bandura : Social learning theory (1977)
2018 |
Miller, Rudolf |
Wilhelm Wundt : Völkerpsychologie (1900 - 1920)
2018 |
Eckardt, Georg |
Leon Festinger : a theory of cognitive dissonance (1957)
2018 |
Six, Bernd |
Stanley Milgram : obedience to authority. An experimental view (1974)
2018 |
Lück, Helmut E. |
Jacob Levy Moreno : Who shall survive? (1934)
2018 |
Dollase, Rainer |
Martin E.P.Seligmann : Learned Optimism (1991)
2018 |
Keller, Tobias |
William James : theprinciples of psychology (1890)
2018 |
Schmidgen, Henning |
Ruth C. Cohn : Gelebte Geschichte der Psychotherapie (1984) (zusammen mit Alfred Farau)
2018 |
Heidbrink, Horst |
William Stern : die differentielle Psychologie (1911)
2018 |
Schmidt, Wilfred |
Hermann Ebbinghaus : über das Gedächtnis (1885)
2018 |
Lander, Hans-Jürgen |
John B. Watson : psychology from the standpoint of a behaviorist (1919)
2018 |
Schorr, Angela |
George Herbert Mead : Mind, self and society. From the standpoint of a social behaviorist (1934)
2018 |
Miller, Rudolf |
George A. Miller, Eugene Galanter und Karl H. Pribram : plans and the structure of behaviour (1960)
2018 |
Oerter, Rolf |
Burrhus Frederic Skinner : the behaviour of organisms: an experimental analysis (1938)
2018 |
Schorr, Angela |
Wolfgang Köhler : Gestalt Psychology (1929)
2018 |
Jäger, Siegfried |
Fritz Heider : the psychology of interpersonal relations(1958)
2018 |
Laucken, Uwe |
Konrad Lorenz : das sogenannte Böse (1963)
2018 |
Selg, Herbert |
Roger G. Barker and Assiciates : habitats, environments, and human behavior (1978)
2018 |
Kaminski, Gerhard |
Alfred Adler : über den nervösen Charakter (1912)
2018 |
Bruder-Bezzel, Almuth |
Anna Freud : Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen (1936)
2018 |
Salber, Wilhelm |