Poverty's deconstruction : beyond the visible
2017 |
Bhaumik, Sumon Kumar |
Private provision of public goods : voluntary approaches for environmental protection
2017 |
Bansal, Sangeeta |
Market segmentation as a screening mechanism
2017 |
Bose, Gautam |
Regulation of electricity distribution companies in Sweden : the cost of capital
2017 |
Lindblom, Ted |
Adjusted purchasing power parity
2017 |
Singh, Gurbachan |
Consititutional predicament of judical appointments in India : a proposal for change
2017 |
Ladha, Krishna K. |
A strategy for development as freedom : integrating markets and the enabling developmental state in the 21st century
2017 |
Khan, Haider Ali |
Inequality and educational outcomes : evidence from Indian states
2017 |
Motiram, Sripad |
Freer trade and sustainable development
2017 |
Dean, Judith Myrle |
Why make it easy? : information, regulation and hobbled markets in Indian cities
2017 |
Annez, Patricia Clarke |
Recycling garbage informally
2017 |
Bhandari, Laveesh |
What ails GDP growth in India : demonetization or high interest rates?
2017 |
Bhalla, Surjit S. |
The bad bank business : what India's policymakers need to learn
2017 |
Goswami, Omkar |
Corporate social responsibility and local bias
2017 |
Mavruk, Taylan |
The law and (institutional) economics of patents : towards a theory of patent value in the knowledge economy
2017 |
Heiden, Bowman |
Characterizing sustainability in an exhaustible resource model with global warming
2017 |
Mitra, Tapan |
A voluntary approach to environmental regulation
2017 |
Arora, Seema |
Resolving land disputes : road to sustainable development
2017 |
Kumar Jha, Awadhesh |
Structural comparisons through input-output (I-O) tables over time
2017 |
Saluja, M. R. |
Some problems in the relationship between economics and law
2017 |
Andreasson, Jens |