Workshop : "Green Univer-City Wismar"
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Passive house concept : Sustainable renovation theatre, Wismar
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Eco-Kindergarten : Renovation and extension of kindergarten, Stadtweide Rostock
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Sustainable renovation : Kindergarten "Plappersnut", Wismar
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Sustainable renovation and conversation : Senior residence in class rooms, Bützow
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Save standard renovation : Kindergarten "Kunterbunt", Sassnitz
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Energieland 2020 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Energy State 2020 M-V)
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Sustainable renovation : Kindergarten "Sonnenschein", Wismar
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Sustainable renovation and conversation of heritage residential house for office building of housing association, Bützow
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Modern as answer to tradition : new House on Poel, Kirchdorf/Poel
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Life cycle construction : new Kindergarten "Wellenreiter", Wismar
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Three-Zero-Conzept construction : new Kindergarten "Wildblume", Garz/Rügen
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Plus energy renovation : Plus Energy School, Reutershagen Rostock
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Campus 2020 : development concept for university campus Wismar"
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |
Energy plus concept : Sporting hall and youth club, Rostock Schmarl
2015 |
Oberfrancová, Lucia |