The agriculture-macroeconomy growth link in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh : 1900-2000
2018 |
Kurosaki, Takashi |
Southeast Asian agricultural growth : 1930-2010
2018 |
Booth, Anne |
Perspectives on agricultural and grain output growth in China from the 19th century to the present day
2018 |
Ash, Robert F. |
The goose that laid the golden eggs? : agricultural development in Latin America in the 20th century
2018 |
Martín-Retortillo, Miguel |
Development models, agricultural policies and agricultural growth : Peru, 1950-2010
2018 |
Velazco Portocarrero, Jackeline |
Technological change and productivity growth in the agrarian systems of New Zealand and Uruguay (1870-2010)
2018 |
Álvarez Scanniello, Jorge |
Ghana's recurrent miracle : cocoa cycles and deficient structural change
2018 |
Gunnarsson, Christer |
Maize and gold : South African agriculture's transition from suppression to support, 1886-1948
2018 |
Greyling, Jan C. |
From backwardness to global agricultural powerhouse : the transition of Brazilian agriculture
2018 |
Mueller, Charles Curt |
Land frontier expansion in settler economies, 1830-1950 : was it a Ricardian process?
2018 |
Willebald, Henry |
Plantations and economic development in the twentieth century : the end of an era?
2018 |
Byerlee, Derek |
Initial conditions and agricultural development in Zambia, 1915-2015
2018 |
Hillbom, Ellen |
Transforming Indonesia : structural change from a regional perspective, 1968-2010
2018 |
Axelsson, Tobias |
Agricultural development in the world periphery : a general overview
2018 |
Pinilla, Vicente |
Between the engine and the fifth wheel : an analytical survey of the shifting roles of agriculture in development theory
2018 |
Andersson, Martin |
The world periphery in global agricultural and food trade, 1900–2000
2018 |
Aparicio, Gema |
The two rice deltas of Vietnam : a century of failure and success
2018 |
López Jerez, Montserrat |
Agricultural development in Australia : 1845-2015
2018 |
Anderson, Kym |