Repertoires, registers, and linguistic diversity
2018 |
Pennycock, Alastair |
Superdiversity and linguistic ethnography : Researching people and language in motion
2018 |
Karrebaek, Martha |
The multivocality of heritage : Moments, encounters and mobilities
2018 |
Deumert, Ana |
Discourses of 'Chineseness' and superdiversity
2018 |
Jing, Huang |
Language policy and planning and the Olympic Games
2018 |
Vessey, Rachelle |
Managing superdiversity in multinational companies
2018 |
Nekvapil, Jiří |
You are now one of us - negotiating 'fitting in' in the workplace
2018 |
Kirilova, Marta |
Sociolinguistic superdiversity and asylum
2018 |
Jacquemet, Marco |
The development of deaflegal discourse
2018 |
Stone, Christopher |
The multilingual university
2018 |
Madiba, Mbulungeni |
Linguistic (super)diversity, post-multilingualism and translanguaging moments
2018 |
Li, Wei |
Dialect as heritage
2018 |
Beal, Joan |
Talking of heritage : The past in conversation
2018 |
Robinson, Mike |
Linguistic practices, social identities and sports
2018 |
Madsen, Lian Malai |
Race, ethnicity and 'Africa' in football discourse- perspectives in the age of superdiversity
2018 |
Kytölä, Samu |
Translation in superdiverse legal contexts
2018 |
Drugan, Joanna |
Language and superdiversity : An interdisciplinary perspective
2018 |
Adrian, Blackledge |
Superdiversity as a lens to understand complexities
2018 |
Geldof, Dirk |
Superdiverse heritage and the question of authenticity : Reframing 'brokenness', comprehending change
2018 |
Vakser, Sabine |
Football language in the age of superdiversity
2018 |
Bergh, Gunnar |