Volume, volatility, and public news announcements
2018 |
Bollerslev, Tim |
The impact of regional and sectoral productivity changes on the U.S. economy
2018 |
Caliendo, Lorenzo |
When to drop a bombshell
2018 |
Gratton, Gabriele |
Trading dynamics with private buyer signals in the market for lemons
2018 |
Kaya, Ayça |
Taxation and labour supply of married couples across countries : a macroeconomic analysis
2018 |
Bick, Alexander |
Non-parametric panel data models with interactive fixed effects
2018 |
Freyberger, Joachim |
International arbitrage and the extensive margin of trade between rich and poor countries
2018 |
Foellmi, Reto |
The effect of police response time on crime clearance rates
2018 |
Blanes i Vidal, Jordi |
Distributional comparative statics
2018 |
Jensen, Martin Kaae |
Deliberating collective decisions
2018 |
Chan, Jimmy |
Learning and price discovery in a search market
2018 |
Lauermann, Stephan |
Random coefficients on endogenous variables in simultaneous equations models
2018 |
Masten, Matthew A. |
Structural estimation of a Becker-Ehrlich equilibrium model of crime : allocating police across cities to reduce crime
2018 |
Fu, Chao |
Optimal fiscal policy with recursive preferences
2018 |
Karantounias, Anastasios G. |
Better lucky than rich? : welfare analysis of automobile licence allocations in Beijing and Shanghai
2018 |
Li, Shanjun |
Dutch disease or agglomeration? : the local economic effects of natural resource booms in modern America
2018 |
Allcott, Hunt |
The perils of nominal targets
2018 |
Armenter, Roc |
Housing market responses to transaction taxes : evidence from notches and stimulus in the U.K.
2018 |
Best, Michael |
Pecuniary externalities in economies with financial frictions
2018 |
Dávila, Eduardo |
Portfolio choices, firm shocks, and uninsurable wage risk
2018 |
Fagereng, Andreas |