Rethinking international investment law : form, function & reform
2023 |
Pachēs, Stratos |
Disparities in queer asylum recognition rates on the basis of gender : a case study of Australia and New Zealand
2023 |
Marks Millman, Jake |
Mind the Gap(s) - the need to resolve uncertainties in the international law of cyber warfare
2023 |
Shahaf, Shiran |
A new appraoch to status determination in international arbitration? A comparison of Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom and the disputes concerning Venezuela's representation before ICSID tribunals
2023 |
Kainz, Fritz |
Sustainable central banking
2023 |
Lastra, Rosa M. |
#Genocide : atrocity as pretext and disinformation
2023 |
Ohlin, Jens David |
When decarbonization meets industrialization : the first WTO dispute between the EU and U.K.
2023 |
Fang, Mandy Meng |
The case for reforming JASTA
2023 |
Hoover, Jack V. |
Implementing war torts
2023 |
Crootof, Rebecca |
Special Courts, global China
2022 |
Jia, Mark |
The Harmon doctrine is dead, long live the Harmon doctrine
2022 |
Meshel, Tamar |
Prohibiting slavery & the slave trade
2022 |
Kestenbaum, Jocelyn Getgen |
Advancing disability rights-based refugee and asylum claims
2022 |
Lord, Janet E. |
Seventy-six going on a hundred : international cooperation and international law at the United Nations
2021 |
Mathias, D. Stephen |
The substantive value of diversity in investment treaty arbitration
2021 |
Chen, Richard C. |
"A new law on earth" : Hannah Arendt and the vision for a positive legal framework to guarantee the right to have rights
2021 |
Stewart, Melissa |
Admiralty, human rights, and international law
2021 |
Rutherglen, George |
Confronting the sacred : eradicating the whipping of women in Southwest Ethiopia
2021 |
Fiesha, Haleta Giday |
International postal governance : avenues for reform
2021 |
Marchand, Ross |
Cities in international law : the new landscape of global governance
2021 |
Schroeder, Katherine |