Freedom of expression : theory and practice in the Islamic realm
2018 |
Marboe, Irmgard |
The European Court of Human Rights and freedom of religion
2018 |
Nußberger, Angelika |
Le système interaméricain des droits de l'homme face aux religions
2018 |
Burgorgue-Larsen, Laurence |
Les influences réciproques entre religion(s) et droit international
2018 |
Decaux, Emmanuel |
Religion and international law : strengthening nad enhacing a comparative approach
2018 |
Walter, Christian |
Religion et droits des femmes : le concordat n'aura pas lieu
2018 |
Grosbon, Sophie |
Religious rights between international law and constitutional law : a system of communicating vessels : from premodern historical evidence to a reassessment of doctrine
2018 |
Wendehorst, Stephan |
A right of infidels to establish their own state? : remarks on the writing of Paulus Vladimiri and Francisco de Vitoria
2018 |
Czapliński, Władysław |
Religious profiling, statistical discrimination and the fight against terrorism in public international law
2018 |
Ungern-Sternberg, Antje von |
Liberté religieuse en islam : l'apostasie dans les pays arabes
2018 |
Bernard-Maugiron, Nathalie |
La protection de l'héritage culturel religieux en droit international
2018 |
Germelmann, Claas Friedrich |
Religious freedom and parental rights in a pluralist society
2018 |
Richter, Dagmar |
La liberté de religion : marge d'appréciation et mesures positives des Etats
2018 |
Grabenwarter, Christoph |
Les organes de protection des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies face à la religion
2018 |
Hennebel, Ludovic |
Blasphemy and hate speech : clarifications of international human rights law standards
2018 |
Polymenopoulou, Eleni |
Is religion a threat to human rights? : or is it the other way around? : defending individual autonomy in the ECtHR's jurisprudence on freedom of religion
2018 |
Albuquerque, Paulo Pinto de |
Discrimination in the name of religion in employment and occupation : an ILO perspective
2018 |
Colneric, Ninon |
Le Saint-Siège en tant que sujet et acteur de droit international
2018 |
Schouppe, Jean-Pierre |