Introduction: Climate change and trade law - challenges for governance and coordination
2016 |
Delimatsis, Panagiotis |
Sustainable standard-setting, climate change and the TBT Agreement
2016 |
Delimatsis, Panagiotis |
The WTO Environmental Goods Agreement: from multilateralism to plurilateralism
2016 |
Wu, Mark |
Climate change in the TPP and the TTIP
2016 |
Munro, James |
Rules and disputes on foreign investment in renewable energies - exploring the nexus of trade and investment treaties
2016 |
Chaisse, Julien |
Common concern and the legitimacy of the WTO in dealing with climate change
2016 |
Cottier, Thomas |
Common but differentiated responsibilities in transnational climate change governance and the WTO: a tale of two 'interconnected worlds' or a tale of two 'crossing swords'?
2016 |
Gurgurinēs, Anastasios |
Feed-in-tariffs and the WTO regulation of subsidies - a moment of progressive adjudication in Canada - renewable energy
2016 |
Bigdeli, Sadeq Z. |
Trade wars in the TRIPS council: intellectual property, technology transfer and climate change
2016 |
Rimmer, Matthew |
Energy security, climate change and trade: does the WTO provide for a viable framework for sustainable energy security?
2016 |
Pogoret︠s︡kiĭ, Vitaliĭ Nikolaevich |
Climate change and investor-state dispute settlement: identifying the linkages
2016 |
Dimopoulos, Angelos |
Carbon taxes, PPMs and the GATT
2016 |
Vranes, Erich |
WTO law constraints on carbon credit mechanisms and export border tax adjustments
2016 |
Trachtman, Joel P. |
Climate change and services trade: what role for the GATS?
2016 |
Alder, Michae͏̈l |
Food security and agricultural trade: an early warning for climate change!
2016 |
McMahon, Joseph A. |
Climate change, green paradox models and international trade rules
2016 |
Partain, Roy Andrew |
EU climate law and the WTO
2016 |
Reid, Emily |
EU climate law and human rights: new prospects for judicial environmental activism?
2016 |
Fleurke, Floor |
The complex relationship between international investment law and climate change initiatives: exploring the tension
2016 |
VanDuzer, J. Anthony |
Duty to protect, climate change and trade
2016 |
Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista |