Price discovery in cryptocurrency markets
2019 |
Makarov, Igor |
Does maternal education decrease female genital cutting?
2019 |
De Cao, Elisabetta |
Gender equality and positive action : evidence from UK universities
2019 |
Gamage, Danula K. |
Labor market conditions and discrimination : is there a link?
2019 |
Boulware, Karl David |
Student debt and labor market outcomes
2019 |
Daniels, Gerald Eric |
Intergenerational human capital spillovers : Indonesia's school construction and its effects on the next generation
2019 |
Mazumder, Bhashkar |
Does environmental policy affect income inequality? : evidence from the clean air act
2019 |
Jha, Akshaya |
Discrimination in ambient air pollution monitoring?
2019 |
Grainger, Corbett |
Unequal distributions : EG DNA versus DINA approach
2019 |
Zwijnenburg, Jorrit |
Long-term treatment effects of job search assistance and training : a summary of recent evidence
2019 |
Manoli, Dayanand S. |
What do big data tell us about why people take gig economy jobs?
2019 |
Koustas, Dmitri |
Reconciling data access and privacy : building a sustainable model for the future
2019 |
Abraham, Katharine G. |
Aggregation and the gravity equation
2019 |
Redding, Stephen |
China versus the United States : IMS meets IPS
2019 |
Farhi, Emmanuel |
Cognitive abilities and inflation expectations
2019 |
D'Acunto, Francesco |
Emotional tagging and belief formation : the long-lasting effects of experiencing communism
2019 |
Laudenbach, Christine |
Empirical bayes estimation of treatment effects with many A/B tests : an overview
2019 |
Azevedo, Eduardo M. |
Blockchains, coordination, and forks
2019 |
Biais, Bruno |
Information and communication in organizations
2019 |
Deimen, Inga |
Big data and firm dynamics
2019 |
Farboodi, Maryam |