A visual turn for organizational ethnography : embodying the subject in video-based research
2018 |
Hassard, John |
Conspiracy theorists and organization studies
2018 |
Schreven, Stephanie |
Organizational creativity, play and entrepreneurship
2018 |
Scalfi Eghenter, Anna |
The visual and material dimensions of legitimacy : accounting and the search for socie-ties
2018 |
Puyou, François-Régis |
Children without bruised knees : responding to material and ideational (mis)alignments
2018 |
Raaijmakers, Aafke |
Voicing the puppet : accommodating unresolved institutional tensions in digital open practices
2018 |
Thorén, Claes |
Explaining sexual minorities' disclosure : the role of trust embedded in organizational practices
2018 |
Capell, Ben |
Investigating the transformation and transition processes between dynamic capabilities : evidence from DHL
2018 |
Prange, Christiane |
Ignorance and organization studies
2018 |
Bakken, Tore |
Grown local: community attachment and market entries in the Franconian beer industry
2018 |
Cruz, Margarita |
On silence, creativity and ethics in organization studies
2018 |
Bigo, Vinca |
Fiction and organization studies
2018 |
Savage, Paul |
"They are your testimony" : professionals, clients and the creation of client capture during professional career progression
2018 |
Gustafsson, Stefanie |
History as a source of organizational identity creation
2018 |
Oertel, Simon |
Intertextuality, rhetorical history and the uses of the past in organizational transition
2018 |
Maclean, Mairi |
Reflexive dis/embedding : personal narratives, empowerment and the emotional dynamics of interstitial events
2018 |
Ruebottom, Trish |
Towards an articulation of the material and visual turn in organization studies
2018 |
Boxenbaum, Eva |
"A picture is worth a thousand words" : multimodal sensemaking of the global financial crisis
2018 |
Höllerer, Markus A. |
Organizational actorhood and the management of paradox : a visual analysis
2018 |
Halgin, Daniel S. |
The materiality of absence : organizing and the case of the incomplete cathedral
2018 |
Giovannoni, Elena |