Organization studies : moving entrepreneurially ahead : editorial
2018 |
Hjorth, Daniel |
The function of fear in institutional maintenance : feeling frightened as an essential ingredient in haute cuisine
2018 |
Gill, Michael J. |
Moving institutional logics forward : emotion and meaningful material practice
2018 |
Friedland, Roger |
The roles of networks in institutionalizing new hybrid organizational forms : insights from the European renewable energy cooperative network
2018 |
Huybrechts, Benjamin |
The use of visuals in issue framing : signifying responsible drinking
2018 |
Christiansen, Lærke Højgaard |
Organizing authority in the climate change debate : IPCC controversies and the management of dialectical tensions
2018 |
Porter, Amanda J. |
Ideology and moral reasoning : how wine was saved from the 19th century phylloxera epidemic
2018 |
Kwon, Winston |
Future making and visual artefacts : an ethnographic study of a design project
2018 |
Comi, Alice |
All equal in death? : fighting inequality in the contemporary funeral industry
2018 |
Audebrand, Luc K. |
Market failures and market framings : can a market be transformed from the inside?
2018 |
Geiger, Susi |
Is commitment to performance-based management compatible with commitment to university "publicness"? : academics' values in French universities
2018 |
Chatelain-Ponroy, Stéphanie |
In search of identity leadership : an ethnographic study of emergent influence in an interorganizational R&D team
2018 |
Smith, Pernille |
Invoking Alphonse : the founder figure as a historical resource for organizational identity work
2018 |
Basque, Joëlle |
Creativity, play and listening : an auditory re-conceptualization of entrepreneurial creation in the context of new public management
2018 |
Pallesen, Eva |
The valuable, the constitutive, and the energetic : exploring the impact and importance of studying emotions and institutions : editorial
2018 |
Zietsma, Charlene |
(Dis)embodied job search communication training : comparative critical ethnographic analysis of materiality and discourse during the unequal search for work
2018 |
Gist-Mackey, Angela N. |
Social movements and prefigurative organizing : confronting entrenched inequalities in Occupy London
2018 |
Reinecke, Juliane |
The transformative power of knowledge sharing in settings of poverty and social inequality
2018 |
Qureshi, Israr |
"Do not expect me to stay quiet" : challenges in managing a historical strategic resource
2018 |
Cailluet, Ludovic |
From "history as told" to "history as experienced" : contextualizing the uses of the past
2018 |
Lubinski, Christina |