Public or private products? : the impact of cause-related marketing and product conspicuity on consumer response on social networking sites
2018 |
Choi, Jungin |
Reflections on "assessing tourist behavioral intentions through perceived service quality and customer satisfaction"
2018 |
Alén, Elisa |
Technology driven experiences from mobile direct to virtual reality
2018 |
Kim, Juran |
Morphing anthropomorphism : an update
2018 |
Belk, Russell W. |
Consumers' inferences : self-deception and self-efficacy
2018 |
Chebat, Jean-Charles |
Launch activities and timing in new product development
2018 |
Calantone, Roger J. |
The philosophy of science foundations of marketing research : for scientific realism and the inductive realist models of theory status and generation
2018 |
Hunt, Shelby D. |
Why a hierarchy-of-effects model is still the best approach to managing and optimizing the impact of corporate social responsibility strategies
2018 |
Murray, Keith B. |
Reflections on ethical issues in marketing management : an empirical examination
2018 |
Chonko, Lawrence B. |
Building brand awareness : the role of celebrity endorsement in advertisements
2018 |
Rahman, Rehenuma |
Voices of the Fisher King : narratives of older travellers' religious journeys
2018 |
Irimiás, Anna |
Hedonic and utilitarian shopping goals : a decade later
2018 |
Bridges, Eileen |
Reflections on "statistical power and structural equation models in business research"
2018 |
McQuitty, Shaun |
Assessing destination image via social network analysis : the case of the "Coastal Uncorked Wine and Food Festival"
2018 |
Kang, Bomi |
Social dimension of sustainability : from community to social capital
2018 |
Kim, Juran |
Self-congruity theory in consumer behavior : a little history
2018 |
Sirgy, M. Joseph |
Following up the article "effects of atmospherics on emotions and intention with respect to involvement in different shopping environments" by Loureiro, Koo, and Ribeiro
2018 |
Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia |
Forecasting methods and principles : evidence-based checklists
2018 |
Armstrong, J. Scott |
The challenge of publishing research about a never-ending subject for marketing scholars : the country of origin
2018 |
Checchinato, Francesca |
Acculturation to the global consumer culture : ten years after and agenda for the next decade
2018 |
Cleveland, Mark |