Combinations of technology in US patents, 1926-2009 : a weakening base for future innovation?
2018 |
Clancy, Matthew S. |
European R&D networks : a snapshot from the 7th EU Framework Programme
-2018 |
Amoroso, Sara |
Adoption of mobile money and financial inclusion : a macroeconomic approach through cluster analysis
-2018 |
Peruta, Maëlle Della |
The "inventor balance" and the functional specialization in global inventive activities
-2018 |
Picci, Lucio |
Towards a multivariate innovation index
-2018 |
Holgersson, Thomas H. E. |
Absorptive capacity of demand in sports innovation
-2018 |
Almudi, Isabel |
How do employee training and knowledge stocks affect product innovation?
-2018 |
Caloghirou, Yannis |
Broad-based intangibles as generators of growth in Europe
-2018 |
Piekkola, Hannu |
Assessing technology and innovation policies : introduction to the special issue
-2018 |
Link, Albert N. |
The effects of public policies in fostering university spinoffs in Italy
-2018 |
Meoli, Michele |
Collaborations for innovation : a meta-study of relevant typologies, governance and policies
-2018 |
Coletti, Michele |
The structure and performance of U.S. research joint ventures : inferences and implications from the Advanced Technology Program
-2018 |
Adams, James D. |
Networked innovation and coalition formation : the effect of group-based social preferences
2018 |
Dedeurwaerdere, Tom |
R&D investments and corporate cash holdings
2018 |
Baldi, Guido |
Directing the wisdom of the crowd : the importance of social interaction among founders and the crowd during crowdfunding campaigns
2018 |
Clauß, Thomas |
Pre-commercial procurement, procurement of innovative solutions and innovation partnerships in the EU : rationale and strategy
2018 |
Iossa, Elisabetta |
Matthew effect, capabilities and innovation policy : the Argentinean case
-2018 |
Pereira, Mariano |
Vertical educational diversity and innovation performance
-2018 |
Bolli, Thomas |
Risk aversion, innovation and performance in family firms
-2018 |
Merono Cerdan, Angel Luis |
Managerial perceptions of employees' affective commitment and product innovation
-2018 |
García-Cruz, Joaquín |