Mecca and the tribes of Arabia : some notes on their relations
1986 |
Kister, M.J. |
What was the fatal disease of al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ Najm al-Dīn Ayyūb?
1986 |
Klein-Franke, Felix |
Mamluk Egypt and Takrūr (West Africa)
1986 |
Levtzion, Nehemia |
Fragment of a Jewish-Christian composition from the Cairo Geniza
1986 |
Pines, Shlomo |
Iraq, King Fayṣal the First and Arab Unity
1986 |
Porath, Yehoshua |
Light, fire and the sun in Islamic painting
1986 |
Milstein, Rachel |
1986 |
Sharon, Moshe |
Sur le Ta'rīkh Ṣāliḥī d'Ibn Wāṣil : notes et extraits
1986 |
Cahen, Claude |
Abū Muslim, son of Salīt : a skeleton in the ʿAbbāsid closet?
1986 |
Lassner, Jacob |
An Egyptian petition to ʿAbdül Ḥamīd II on behalf of al-Afghānī
1986 |
Landau, Yaʿaqov M. |
Jihād in Ahmādi thought
1986 |
Friedmann, Yohanan |
Muslim rebellions in modern China
1986 |
Israeli, Raphael |
Some literary problems concerning Judaism and Jewry in medieval Arabic sources
1986 |
Sadan, J. |
Shurunbulalī militant
1986 |
Perlmann, Moshe |
The fate of the Jewish community of Tabrīz
1986 |
Netzer, Amnon |
The medieval Arabic term kalima and the modern linguistic term morpheme : similarities and differences
1986 |
Levin, Aryeh |
Additional evidence of the Fāṭimid use of Dīnārs for propaganda purposes
1986 |
Ehrenkreutz, Andrew S. |
Muḥammad and the beginning of Islam in the chronicle Sefer Divrey Yoseph
1986 |
Shtober, Shimon |
Deux actes de vente damascains du bas moyen-âge
1986 |
Sourdel, Dominique |
Ibn Khaldūn in Turkey
1986 |
Lewis, Bernard |