Asymmetric laplace regression : maximum likelihood, maximum entropy and quantile regression
2016 |
Bera, Anil K. |
Quantile regression with clustered date
2016 |
Parente, Paulo M. D. C. |
Spatial errors in count data regressions
2016 |
Bertanha, Marinho |
An algorithm to estimate the two-way fixed effects model
2016 |
Somaini, Paulo |
Teaching nonparametric econometrics to undergraduates
2016 |
Henderson, Daniel J. |
Bounding a linear causal effect using relative correlation restrictions
2016 |
Krauth, Brian |
Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation in practice
2016 |
Shaw, Philip |
Estimation and inference in an ecological inference model
2016 |
Fan, Yanqin |
Exogenous treatment and endogenous factors : vanishing of omitted variable bias on the interaction term
2016 |
Nizalova, Olena |
Model uncertainty and model averaging in regression discontinuity designs
2016 |
Button, Patrick |
Testing competing models for non-negative data with many zeros
2015 |
Silva, João Santos |
On the robustness of coefficient estimates to theinclusion of proxy variables
2015 |
Bollinger, Christopher R. |
Tests for price endogeneity in differentiated product models
2015 |
Kim, Kyoo Il |
Multivariate fractional regression estimation of econometric share models
2015 |
Mullahy, John |
On the implications of essential heterogeneity for estimating causal impacts using social experiments
2015 |
Ravallion, Martin |
Percentile and percentile-t bootstrap confidence intervals : a practical comparison
2015 |
Elias, Christopher J. |
Non-standard tests through a composite null and alternative in point-identified parameters
2015 |
Hahn, Jinyong |
Bivariate non-normality in the sample selection model
2015 |
Pigini, Claudia |
Estimation of panel data regression models with two-sided censoring or truncation
2014 |
Measuring benchmark damages in antitrust litigation
2014 |
McCrary, Justin |