Une <culture de la résistance>? : Stratégies et moyens d'emancipation des esclaves dans l`Empire ottoman au XVIe siécle
2014 |
Gökşin Özkoray, Hayri |
Slavery and sexual peril in the early modern mediterranean
2014 |
Dursteler, Eric R. |
Effacement ou abolition? : réflexion sur la disparation de I'esclavage dans l'Europe non méditerranéenne (XIe-XIVe siècles)
2014 |
Arnoux, Mathiew |
Hausbedienstete oder -sklaven in Byzanz zwischen tödlicher Repression bis größter Hochschätzung : ein Streiflicht anhand von vier konkreten Fällen
2014 |
Prinzing, Günter |
Christian slavery during the early alaouite dynasty : the building of the royal palace at Mekens
2014 |
Davis, Robert C. |
Venetian slaves in ottoman empire in the early modern period
2014 |
Pedani Fabris, Maria Pia |
Ottoman white eunuchs as palace officials and statesmen (1450-1600)
2014 |
Kunt, İ. Mertin |
Manumission in 17th-century suburban Istanbul
2014 |
Faroqhi, Suraiya |
Slavery in early modern Russia
2014 |
Clarence-Smith, William G. |
Formen, institutionalisierter Unfreiheit in Siam : historischer Semantik und gesellschaftliche Praxis (16.-19. Jahrhundert)
2014 |
Trakulhun, Sven |
Maters, slave women and their children : a child custody dispute in 15th-century Valencia
2014 |
Blumenthal, Debra |
Was there a jewish slave trade (or commercial Monopoly) in the early middle ages?
2014 |
Tocha, Michael |
British captives in Salé (1721) : a case study
2014 |
Matar, Nabil I. |
Writing Chains : slave autobiography from the mediterranean to the Atlantic
2014 |
Amelang, James Stephen |
The familiarity of slaves in medieval and early modern households
2014 |
McKee, Sally |
Maghrebian slaves in spain : humain trafficking and insecurity in the early modern western mediterranean
2014 |
Martín Casares, Aurelia |
Mord von zarter Hand : der Giftmordvorwurf im Venedig des 15. Jahrhunderts
2014 |
Schiel, Juliane |
Una convraternita veneziana per "il riscatto degli schiavi" (1604-1797)
2014 |
Pelizza, Andrea |
Slavery in renaissance Croatia : reality and fiction
2014 |
Budak, Neven |
The language of genoese slavery
2014 |
Epstein, Steven |