The shrinking state? : understanding the assault on the public sector
2018 |
Lobao, Linda M. |
The victims of neoliberal globalisation and the rise of the populist vote : a comparative analysis of three recent electoral decisions
2018 |
Essletzbichler, Jürgen |
Electoral systems, regional resentment and the surprising success of Anglo-American populism
2018 |
Spicer, Jason S. |
Brexit and the relevance of regional personality traits : more psychological openness could have swung the regional vote
2018 |
Garretsen, Harry |
Unpacking the possibilities of deglobalisation
2018 |
Livesey, Finbarr |
The export of Germany's "secret of success" dual technical VET : MNCs and multiscalar stakeholders changing the skill formation system in Mexico
2018 |
Wiemann, Judith |
Austerity as epiphenomenon? : public assets before and beyond 2008
2018 |
Whiteside, Heather |
Shrinking the state in housing : challenges, transitions and ambiguities
2018 |
Murie, Alan |
Red state, blue state : neoliberalism, politics and public sector union membership in the US states
2018 |
Vachon, Todd E. |
Globalisation, uneven development and the North-South "big switch"
2018 |
Horner, Rory |
On the brink of deglobalisation ... again
2018 |
Bergeijk, Peter A. G. van |
From success to failure, the disappearance of clusters : a study of a Norwegian boat-building cluster
2018 |
Isaksen, Arne |
Growing care gaps, shrinking state? : home care workers and the Fair Labor Standards Act
2018 |
England, Kim |
The depths of the cuts : the uneven geography of local government austerity
2018 |
Gray, Mia |
The crisis as opportunity? : on the role of the Troika in constructing the European consolidation state
2018 |
Clifton, Judith |
Regional industrial transformations in the interconnected global economy
2018 |
Oinas, Päivi |
Unrelated knowledge combinations : the unexplored potential for regional industrial path development
2018 |
Grillitsch, Markus |
Modularisation and spatial dynamics in the wind turbine industry : the example of firm relocations to Hamburg
2018 |
Menzel, Max-Peter |
Policy and collective action in place
2018 |
Feldman, Maryann P. |
Politics, State discretion and retrenchment in safety net provision : evidence from the USA in the post-Welfare Reform era
2018 |
Bruch, Sarah K. |