Pay to play violations : an SEC focus
2017 |
Van Grover, Robert |
What is a Regulation SHO bona-fide market maker?
2017 |
Bergmann, Larry E. |
CFTC adopts amendments to position limit aggregation rules
2017 |
Bruynes, J. P. |
Debunking the $ 17 billion myth : the mathemagics behind the fiduciary rule
2017 |
Schaff, Jeffery E. |
Business email compromise and executive impersonation : are financial institutions exposed?
2017 |
Zweighaft, David |
SEC issues final rule on investment company liquidity risk management
2017 |
Schwartz, Rachael Leah |
SEC charges private fund administrator with gatekeeping failures
2017 |
Miller, Keith |
SEC shortens standard settlement cycle to T+2
2017 |
Burns, James |
MIFID2 : the impact on non-EU fIRMS
2017 |
Crown, Simon |
The FCA’s new enforcement process : what will work, and what won’t
2017 |
James, Polly |
SFC reminding sponsors of the need to adopt an attitude of "professional scepticism"
2017 |
Hughes, Gareth |
Investment recommendations under the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) : operative guidelines issued by the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission (CONSOB)
2017 |
Parola, Lorenzo |
The ABCs of fund finance : credit facilities for secondaries funds and funds of funds
2017 |
Kerfoot, Matthew K. |
FINRA issues interpretive guidance on related performance in institutional communications
2017 |
Caccese, Michael S. |
CFTC modernizes Rule 1.31 recordkeeping requirements
2017 |
Mitchell, David S. |
Securities regulators' overlapping priorities provide guidance for examination preparation
2017 |
Nathan, Daniel A. |
SEC adopts new disclosure and recordkeeping requirements for investment advisers
2017 |
Greene, Nathan |
SEC adopts rules and forms to modernize reporting requirements for registered investment companies
2017 |
Cohen, Stephen |
The municipal advisor regulatory framework : where we are and where to next
2017 |
Lanza, Ernesto |
What can mutual fund boards and advisers learn from the AXA trial ruling?
2017 |
Colby, Eben |