The effects of expenditure shocks in Italy during good and bad times
2013 |
Caprioli, Francesco |
EMU in crisis : what's next?
2013 |
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo |
Germans at the crossroad : preserve their socio-economic model or save the euro?
2013 |
Bonatti, Luigi |
EMU sovereign spreads and macroeconomic news
2013 |
Arru, Daniela |
Objectives and instruments of economic policy in the eurozone : how to overcome the crisis
2013 |
Masera, Rainer Stefano |
The determinants of macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area : the role of external performances
2013 |
Guerrieri, Paolo |
Then and now : European trade, payments, and financial regionalism in historical perspective
2013 |
Martinez Oliva, Juan C. |
What is wrong with the G20?
2013 |
Angeloni, Ignazio |
Europe : is austerity compatible with endogenous growth?
2013 |
Paganetto, Luigi |
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe : how to move from bad to good equilibrium?
2013 |
Padoan, Pier Carlo |
From collapse to constitution : the case of Iceland
2013 |
Thorvaldur Gylfason |
The Group of Twenty : origins, prospects and challenges for global governance
2013 |
Kharas, Homi Jamshed |
Fiscal multipliers and public debt dynamics in consolidations
2013 |
Boussard, Jocelyn |
Five economic challenges for the next US president
2013 |
Bertoldi, Moreno |
Short-time work scheme and unemployment insurance program beneficiaries : the analysis of employment outcomes
2013 |
De Blasio, Giuseppe |
The multiplier, sovereign default risk, and the US budget : an overwiev
2013 |
Cline, William R. |
Cyclical policies, structural imbalances and growth of the U.S. economy
2013 |
Salvatore, Dominick |
Patterns in financial flows? : a longer-term perspective on intersectoral relationships
2013 |
Fano, Daniele |
In need of sectoral and regional rebalancing in the euro area : a euro area sectoral accounts (flow-of-funds) perspective
2013 |
Rougemont, Philippe de |
The austerity debate
2013 |
Cottarelli, Carlo |