The standard Ricardian trade model
2017 |
Weder, Rolf |
The Ricardian trade model : implications and applications
2017 |
Weder, Rolf |
Mill and Ricardo : the genesis of comparative advantage
2017 |
Ruffin, Roy J. |
The relevance of Ricardian trade theory for the political economy of trade policy
2017 |
Ethier, Wilfred |
What next for Ricardo? : incorporating more trade distortions
2017 |
Evenett, Simon J. |
200 years of Ricardian theory : the missing dynamics
2017 |
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban |
David Ricardo's "On foreign trade" : the original idea
2017 |
Gerber, Thomas |
Introduction : celebrating 200 years of Ricardian trade theory
2017 |
Jones, Ronald Winthrop |
David Ricardo : his personality, his times and his principles
2017 |
Gerber, Thomas |
The main contribution of the Ricardian trade theory
2017 |
Jones, Ronald Winthrop |
Discussion about "The main contribution of the Ricardian trade theory"
2017 |
Ntellas, Charēs |
Comments on "Mill and Ricardo: the genesis of comparative advantage" by Roy J. Ruffin
2017 |
Loprieno, Antonio |
Final panel discussion: Wilfred J. Ethier, Simon Evenett, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg and Rolf Weder
2017 |
Lee, Andrew |
Short discussion about "Putting Ricardian trade theory to work in 2017: current empirical analyses"
2017 |
Schmitt, Nicolas |
Current challenges of globalization in the light of the Ricardian trade theory
2017 |
Jones, Ronald Winthrop |
Discussion on "Mill and Ricardo: the genesis of comparative advantage"
2017 |
Hefeker, Carsten |
On foreign trade
2017 |
Ricardo, David |
Putting Ricardian trade theory to work in 2017 : current empirical analyses
2017 |
Eaton, Jonathan |
Comments on the "The main contribution of the Ricardian trade theory" by Ronald W. Jones
2017 |
Taylor, Michael Scott |
Comments on "Putting Ricardian trade theory to work in 2017: current empirical analyses" by Jonathan Eaton
2017 |
Egger, Peter |