Saudi women's work challenges and barriers to career advancement
2017 |
Al-Asfour, Ahmed |
The mechanisms of regulatory focus : mindfulness, leader-member exchange, and motivational outcomes
2017 |
Zivnuska, Suzanne |
Mediator analysis of passion for work in Indian millennials : relationship between protean career attitude and proactive work behavior
2017 |
Gulyani, Gaatha |
Ambition at work and career satisfaction : the mediating role of taking charge behavior and the moderating role of pay
2017 |
El Baroudi, Sabrine |
Subordinates' helping, voice, and supervisors' evaluation of job performance : the moderating effects of supervisor-attributed motives
2017 |
Choi, Byoung Kwon |
Work values underlying protean and boundaryless career orientations
2017 |
Abessolo, Marc |
Embeddedness and turnover intentions in extra roles : a mixed-methods analysis of the United States Marine Corp Reserve
2017 |
DiRenzo, Marco S. |
Perceived employability in university students : developing an integrated model
2017 |
Álvarez-González, Paula |
Keep the expert! Occupational expertise, perceived employability and job search : a study across age groups
2017 |
De Vos, Ans |
Using personality facets to understand the nature of personality-satisfaction relationships : findings from meta-analytic bifactor latent modeling
2017 |
Seltzer, Benjamin K. |
A meta-analytic investigation of demographic differences in protean, boundaryless, and proactive career orientations
2017 |
Kostal, Jack W. |
A meta-analytic investigation of cyberloafing
2017 |
Mercado, Brittany K. |
The implications of work-family balance among dual-earner couples : the case of medical practitioners in Nigeria
2017 |
Adisa, Toyin Ajibade |
Should we talk? : co-rumination and conversation avoidance in job search
2017 |
Haggard, Dana L. |
High potential programs and employee outcomes : the roles of organizational trust and employee attributions
2017 |
Malik, Amina Raza |
Networking and development idiosyncratic deals
2017 |
Guerrero, Sylvie |
LMX differentiation, diversity, and group performance : evidence for curvilinear and interaction effects
2017 |
Lee, Kihyun |
Why the availability of telecommuting matters : the effects of telecommuting on engagement via goal pursuit
2017 |
Masuda, Aline D. |
Directing our own careers, but getting help from empowering leaders
2017 |
Kim, Minseo |
The cognitive underpinnings of effective teamwork : a continuation
2017 |
Mesmer-Magnus, Jessica |