Real effects of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe : evidence from syndicated loans
2018 |
Acharya, Viral V. |
Notes on bonds : illiquidity feedback during the financial crisis
2018 |
Musto, David K. |
Rent seeking by low-latency traders : evidence from trading on macroeconomic announcements
2018 |
Chordia, Tarun |
Active fundamental performance
2018 |
Jiang, Hao |
Who captures the power of the pen?
2018 |
You, Jiaxing |
Does a CEO's cultural heritage affect performance under competitive pressure?
2018 |
Nguyen, Duc Duy |
What drives racial and ethnic differences in high-cost mortgages? : the role of high-risk lenders
2018 |
Bayer, Patrick J. |
Estimating and testing dynamic corporate finance models
2018 |
Bazdresch, Santiago |
Robust bond risk premia
2018 |
Bauer, Michael D. |
Are stocks riskier over the long run? : taking cues from economic theory
2018 |
Avramov, Doron |
The factor structure in equity options
2018 |
Christoffersen, Peter F. |
Open-end organizational structures and limits to arbitrage
2018 |
Giannetti, Mariassunta |
Illiquidity premia in the equity options market
2018 |
Christoffersen, Peter F. |
How does financial reporting regulation affect firms' banking?
2018 |
Breuer, Matthias |
Manipulation in the VIX?
2018 |
Griffin, John M. |
Do director elections matter?
2018 |
Fos, Vyacheslav |
Home bias abroad : domestic industries and foreign portfolio choice
2018 |
Schumacher, David |
The costs of sovereign default : evidence from the stock market
2018 |
Andrade, Sandro C. |
Safe haven CDS premiums
2018 |
Klingler, Sven |
Mutual fund transparency and corporate myopia
2018 |
Agarwal, Vikas |