The First Chern Class of the Verlinde Bundles
2015 |
Marian, Alina |
A Toolkit for Defect Computations in Landau-Ginzburg Models
2015 |
Carqueville, Nils |
On Gauge Theory and Topological String in Nekrasov-Shatashvili Limit
2015 |
Huang, Min-Xin |
Framing the Di-logarithm (over Z)
2015 |
Schwarz, Albert |
Symmetry-Surfing the Moduli Space of Kummer K3s
2015 |
Taormina, Anne |
On the Marginal Deformations of General (0,2) Non-Linear Sigma-Models
2015 |
Adam, Ido |
Quantum Hypermultiplet Moduli Spaces in N = 2 String Vacua : A Review
2015 |
Alexandrov, Sergei |
Non-Geometric Fluxes Versus (Non)-Geometry
2015 |
Andriot, David |
Perturbative Terms of Kac-Moody-Eisenstein Series
2015 |
Fleig, Philipp |
2015 |
Fuji, Hiroyuki |
Generalized Chern-Simons Action and Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
2015 |
Movshev, M. V. |
Generalised Moonshine and Holomorphic Orbifolds
2015 |
Gaberdiel, Matthias R. |
Grassmannian Twists, Derived Equivalences, and Brane Transport
2015 |
Donovan, Will |
Secret Symmetries of AdS/CFT
2015 |
Torrielli, Alessandro |
The Quiver Approach to the BPS Spectrum of a 4d N = 2 Gauge Theory
2015 |
Cecotti, Sergio |
Supermoduli Space is Not Projected
2015 |
Donagi, Ron |
The Geometric Algebra of Supersymmetric Backgrounds
2015 |
Lazaroiu, C. I. |
AGT and the Topological String
2015 |
Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian |