The added value of the inter-American human rights system : comparative thoughts
2017 |
Burgorgue-Larsen, Laurence |
Transformative constitutionalism and the global south : the view from South Africa
2017 |
Fowkes, James |
Jus constitutionale commune en america latina : context, challenges, and perspectives
2017 |
Piovesan, Flávia |
Preserving the Acquis of transformative constitutionalism in times of constitutional crisis : lessons from the Hungarian case
2017 |
Sonnevend, Pál |
The struggle for rights and the ius constitutionale commune
2017 |
Salazar, Pedro |
The American human rights navigation : toward a ius commune
2017 |
García Ramírez, Sergio |
The Mexican constitution of 1917 : an early example of radical transformative constitutionalism
2017 |
Grote, Rainer |
The block of constitutionality as the doctrinal pivot of a jus commune
2017 |
Góngora-Mera, Manuel Eduardo |
A multidimensional approach to equality in the Inter-American context : redistribution, recognition, and participatory parity
2017 |
Aldao, Martín |
The conventionality control as a core mechanism of the ius constitutionale commune
2017 |
Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Eduardo |
The impact of inter-American judgments by institutional empowerment
2017 |
Parra Vera, Óscar |
The inter-American system of human rights : essential features
2017 |
Ragone, Sabrina |
Jus constitutionale commune en america latina : a regional approach to transformative constitutionalism
2017 |
Bogdandy, Armin von |
Jus constitutionale commune en america latina : observations on transformative constitutionalism
2017 |
Bogdandy, Armin von |
The amparo as an instrument of a ius constitutionale commune
2017 |
Brewer-Carías, Allan R. |
The presidential system in Latin America : a hallmark and challenge to a Latin American jus constitutionale commune
2017 |
Valadés, Diego |
The "new" Latin American constitutionalism : old wine in new skins
2017 |
Gargarella, Roberto |
Inter-Americanization : itslegal bases and political impact
2017 |
Morales Antoniazzi, Mariella |
The transformative dimension of inter-American jurisprudence
2017 |
Soley, Ximena |