What is the nature of envy?
2017 |
Cohen-Charash, Yochi |
Competent but gold : the stereotype content model and envy in organizations
2017 |
Wolf, Elizabeth Baily |
A social network perspective on envy in organizations
2017 |
Flyod, Theresa |
Envy and its dynamics in groups and organizations
2017 |
Erlikh, Shemuʾel |
Envy, Schadenfreude and evaluation : understanding the strange growing of individual performance appraisal
2017 |
Vidaillet, Bénédicte |
Envy and school bullying in the Japanese cultural context
2017 |
Hitokoto, Hidefumi |
Envy and inequality in romantic relationships
2017 |
Ben-Zeʾev, Aharon |
The Othello conudrum : the inner contagion of leadership
2017 |
Stein, Mark |
Culture and elicitation, experience and expression of envy
2017 |
Wen Tan, Yi |
The behavioral economics of envy : what can we learn from it?
2017 |
Celse, Jérémy |
Envy and interpersonal corruption : social comperison processes and unethical behavior in organizations
2017 |
Lee, Julia J. |
A social-contextual view of envy on organizations : from both envier and envied perspectives
2017 |
Yu, Lingtao |
How do people respond to threatened social status? : moderators of benign versus malicious envy
2017 |
Crusius, Jan |
Envy and injustice : integration and ruminations
2017 |
Mishra, Paresh |
Disposable diapers, envy and the Kibbutz : what happens to an emotion based on difference in a society based on equality?
2017 |
Gressel, Josh |
The benefits and threats from being envied in oranizations
2017 |
Parrott, W. Gerrod |
Envy as an evolving episode
2017 |
Hoogland, Charles E. |
"Storms of Slander" : relational dimensions of "envy" in Java, Indonesia
2017 |
Stodulka, Thomas |
Containing workplace envy : a provisional map of the ways to prevent or channel envy and reduce its damage
2017 |
Annoni, Vittorio |
The two faces of envy : studying benign and malicious envy in the workplace
2017 |
Sterling, Christopher M. |