Mittelalterphilologie am Beispiel einer Predigtsammlung
2016 |
Janz-Wenig, Katrin |
The Bible in medieval love lyrics: some examples of this fundamental element of european poetry books
2016 |
Hackett, Robert |
Zur Arbeit am Teufelsnetz
2016 |
Hofer, Georg |
Evolution or revolution? Digital philology and medieval texts : history of the discipline and a survey of some Italian projects
2016 |
Buzzoni, Marina |
Donat und Priscian in Island : die Dritte Grammatische Abhandlung der Snorra-Edda
2016 |
Jón Axel Harðarson |
Philologie und Phylogenese. : interdisziplinäre Berührungspunkte zwischen Biologie und Germanistik
2016 |
Viehhauser-Mery, Gabriel |
Germanic philology as a research and a teaching subject in Italy: Past, present and... what future?
2016 |
Raschella, Fabrizio D. |
The Old English plant names from morphological, etymological and semantic point of view
2016 |
Sauer, Hans |
Coventry: a case study for theatrical philology between documents and scripts
2016 |
Mullini, Roberta |
Anthony Rivers and the introduction of French moral literature in fifteenth-century England: the textual tradition of the Dicts and sayings of the philosophers
2016 |
Khalaf, Omar |
The editing of Old English: a plea for including manuscript facsimiles
2016 |
Rudolf, Winfried |
On the readability of the critical edition
2016 |
Cammarota, Maria Grazia |
Two-beats in Old Germanic poetry
2016 |
Paulis, Ilona |
Non-invasive analysis by ultraviolet radiation of ancient manuscripts on parchment support for the detection of faded or no longer visible writings
2016 |
Lanfrancotti, Ermindo |
Literature and the extended mind : non-reader-response-critical perspectives for cognitive literary studies
2016 |
Schäfke-Zell, Werner |
Denkspiele. Über Bilder vom Mittelalter
2016 |
Pfeiffer, Jens |
Die Gebete zur Verehrung des Körpers Marias im spätmittelalterlichen Südwesten
2016 |
Spazzali, Paola |
How to make the past age present : some of Ole Worm's and Francis Junius' humanist efforts
2016 |
Romburgh, Sophia Georgina van |
Schmetterlingseffekte : eine pragmatische Skizze zum Prozess der Retextualisierung am Beispiel des Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach
2016 |
Schöller, Robert |
Nebenfigur im Mittelpunkt. : die Rezeption Gottfrieds von Staßburg am Beispiel König Marke
2016 |
Aberham, Sonja |