A methodology for the semantic and structural restructuring of BPMN models
2017 |
Khlif, Wiem |
Modelling information flow and sharing matrix for fresh food supply chains
2017 |
Nakandala, Dilupa |
Exploring the dynamic capabilities required for servitization : the case process industry
2017 |
Kanninen, Tiina |
Towards Mode 2 knowledge production : analysis and proposal of a framework for research in business processes
2017 |
Veit, Douglas Rafael |
Improving logistics processes of surgical instruments : case of RFID technology
2017 |
Moatari-Kazerouni, Afrooz |
Business intelligence serious game participatory development : lessons from ERPsim for big data
2017 |
Labonte-LeMoyne, Elise |
A big data framework for facilitating product innovation processes
2017 |
Zhan, Yuanzhu |
Does big data analytics influence frontline employees in services marketing?
2017 |
Motamarri, Sradhi |
Digital competences of the workforce : a research topic?
2017 |
Murawski, Matthias |
Everything community? : destructive processes in communities of crowdsourcing competitions
2017 |
Faullant, Rita |
Relevant factors of innovation contests for SMEs
2017 |
Rodriguez Ferradas, Maria Isabel |
The role of employee autonomy for open innovation performance
2017 |
Burcharth, Ana |
Open innovation in the public sector : resources and performance of research-based spin-offs
2017 |
Venturini, Karen |
Explorative learning strategy and its impact on creativity and innovation : an empirical investigation among ICT-SMEs
2017 |
Naser Valaei |
BPM governance : a literature analysis of performance evaluation
2017 |
Ensslin, Leonardo |
The mediating role of product and process innovations on the relationship between knowledge management and operational performance in manufacturing companies in Jordan
2017 |
Al-Sa'di, Ahmad Fathi |
Using the critical process targeting method to improve SMEs' process understanding : a tale of two Australian case studies
2017 |
De Salas, Kristy |
Translating improvement methodology into healthcare culture
2017 |
Simon, James |
Field quality metrics - findings and recommendations
2017 |
Palmquist, Brian |
Multivariate hybrid pathways for creating exceptional customer experiences
2017 |
Thomas, Ashish |