Brand (in)fidelity : when flirting with the competition strengthens brand relationships
2018 |
Consiglio, Irene |
Beyond beauty : design symmetry and brand personality
2018 |
Bajaj, Aditi |
Gift giving at Israeli weddings as a function of genetic relatedness and kinship certainty
2018 |
Tifferet, Sigal |
To give or not to give? : choosing chance under moral conflict
2018 |
Lin, Stephanie C. |
Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future : influences of regulatory focus on consumers’ moral self‐regulation
2018 |
Schwabe, Maria |
Consumer wisdom : a theoretical framework of five integrated facets
2018 |
Luchs, Michael G. |
When cheap isn't the same as not expensive : generic price terms and their negations
2018 |
Weijters, Bert |
When good things feel closer and bad things feel farther : the role of perceived control on psychological distance perception
2018 |
Han, Jerry J. |
Did they earn it? : observing unearned luxury consumption decreases brand attitude when observers value fairness
2018 |
Lee, Saerom |
When good consumers turn bad : psychological contract breach in committed brand relationships
2018 |
Montgomery, Nicole Votolato |
The loss of loss aversion : will it loom larger than its gain?
2018 |
Gal, David |
Judgments of taste and judgments of quality
2018 |
Mukhopadhyay, Anirban |
How counterfeits infect genuine products : the role of moral disgust
2018 |
Amar, Moty |
Discounting humanity : when consumers are price conscious, employees appear less human
2018 |
Henkel, Alexander P. |
Projecting lower competence to maintain moral warmth in the avoidance of prosocial requests
2018 |
Liu, Peggy J. |
The name game : how naming products increases psychological ownership and subsequent consumer evaluations
2018 |
Stoner, Jennifer L. |
Do mothers spend more on daughters while fathers spend more on sons?
2018 |
Nikiforidis, Lambrianos |
Positional goods and the social rank hypothesis : income inequality affects online chatter about high- and low‐status brands on Twitter
2018 |
Walasek, Lukasz |
Can a rude waiter make your food less tasty? : social class differences in thinking style and carryover in consumer judgments
2018 |
Lee, Jaehoon |
If you are going to pay within the next 24 hours, press 1 : automatic planning prompt reduces credit card delinquency
2018 |
Mažar, Nina |