Monetary policy and private pensions
2016 |
Roth, Markus |
Financial crisis and European company and capital markets law
2016 |
Schmidt, Jessica |
Reflections on the social and human dimension of the economic and financial crisis in the European Union
2016 |
Lirola Delgado, Ma. Isabel |
New developments on the free movement of persons in the European Union in a time of crisis : eroding the European citizenship?
2016 |
Martín Martínez, Magdalena M. |
The interplay between EU law and international law to set up the eurozone rescue mechanisms
2016 |
Pastor Palomar, Antonio |
Coco Bonds as a means of reducing systemic risk and their role within new regulatory regimes
2016 |
Gildehaus, Henrik |
The European crises as tax crises
2016 |
Menéndez, Agustín J. |
Stress testing of European law of consumer jurisdiction : coherence of the existing rules and their impact on the level of consumer protection
2016 |
Kramme, Malte |
Universal versus individual transfers of assets and liabilities : a conflict-of-laws perspective
2016 |
Garcimartín, Francisco |
The new role of judges in the EU : going back to the middle ages
2016 |
Arenas García, Rafael |
A common tax policy for Europe
2016 |
Meyer, André |
Is European private law going through a crisis? : the current situation of European private law after the financial crisis
2016 |
Hellwege, Phillip |
Financial crisis and general contract law
2016 |
Gressler, Ann-Chantal |
Rethinking competition law after the financial crisis
2016 |
Podszun, Rupprecht |
Merger control and the financial crisis : rescue mergers and the failing firm defence
2016 |
Leber, Marius |
International arbitration and vis attractiva concursus
2016 |
Penadés Fons, Manuel |
Legal certainty after the crisis : the limits of European legal imagination
2016 |
Martín Rodríguez, Pablo J. |
Testing the stress of the EU : financial crisis or EU law in crisis?
2016 |
Wiese, Volker |
Is EU financial law overly complex?
2016 |
Lehmann, Matthias |
Stress-testing EU law in the field of consumer redress
2016 |
Palao Moreno, Guillermo |