Declamatory Dissonance in Machaut
2005 |
Earp, Lawrence Marshburn |
Auctoritas and the Motets of Philippe de Vitry
Wathey, Andrew |
'Auctoritas cereum habet nasum' : Boethius, Aristotle, and the music of the spheres in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries
Rico, Gilles |
Apollinis eclipsatur: Foundation of the 'Collegium musicorum'
Howlett, David |
An English Adoption of the Burgundian Chanson
Dumitrescu, Theodor |
Fire, Desire, Duration, Death: Machautes Motet 10
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Ciconia's Citations in "Nova musica": New Sources as Biography
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"De plus en plus": Numbers, Binchois, and Ockeghem
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Learning to Compose in the 1540s: Gioseffo Zarlino's "Si bona suscepimus"
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Naturalis concordia vocum cum planetis : conceptualizing the harmony of the spheres in the early Middle Ages
Rankin, Susanne |
Types and Transmission of Musical Examples in Franco's "Ars cantus mensurabilis musicae"
Leitmeir, Chriatian Thomas |
Machaut Reading Machaut : Self-Borrowing and Reinterpretation in Motets 8 and 21
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Fauvel Goes to School
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Imitatio, Intertextuality, and Early Music
Milsom, John |
Qui bien aimme a tart oublie: Guillaume de Machautes "Lay de plour" in Context
Newes, Virginia |
The Eloquence of Silence: Tacet Inscriptions in the Alamire Manuscripts
Blackburn, Bonnie J. |