Grandidierella (Amphipoda, Aoridae) from Angola with description of a new species
2010 |
Bochert, Ralf |
Use of the parasitic copepod, Lernanthropus kroyeri (van Beneden, 1851) (Lernanthropidae) as a bio-indicator of two fish populations, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) and Dicentrarchus punctatus (Bloch, 1792) (Moronidae) in Tunesian inshore areas
2002 |
Bahri, L. |
Seasonal and bathymetric changes in feeding habits of the benthic red crab Pleuroncodes planipes (Decapoda, Anomura, Galatheidae) off the Pacific coast of Baja Carlifornia Sur, Mexico
1997 |
Aurioles-Gamboa, David |
Peracarid crustaceans (Malacostraca) from a "time-series-station" in the westwind through of the New-Polynya (Greenland) : a benthic response to productivity?
1996 |
Brandt, Angelika |
New host record, Pepidorhombus boscii (Risso, 1810), for Lernaeocera lusci (Bassett-Smith, 1896) (Copepoda, Pennellidae)
1992 |
Eiras, J. C. |
A redescription of female Galigus tetrodontis Barnard, 1948 (Copepoda), a marine piscine parasite
1990 |
Oldewage, W. H. |
Acanthochondria triglae n. sp., copepode parasite des fosses nasales de poissons triglidae
1990 |
Herrera-Cubilla, Amalia |
On the sensory (?) structure between the frontal plates of Caligus O. F. Müller, 1785 (Copepoda, Caligidae)
1989 |
Oldewage, W. H. |
Thermal response of the hermit crab, Clibanarius erythropus (Latreille) (Decapoda, Anomura)
1984 |
Warburg, M. R. |
Light-stimulated bioluminescence of Thalassocaris crinita (Dana) (Decapoda, Caridea)
1976 |
Herring, Peter J. |
Bathyconchoecia arctica n. sp., a new species of Ostracob (Halocyprididae, Myodocopidae) from the Arctic
1976 |
Angel, M. V. |
Observations on the narcotization of crustacean zooplankton
1975 |
Gannon, John E. |
Differences de regime alimentaire entre deux especes marines de gammares du groupe Locusta (Amphipodes)
1974 |
Brun, Bernard |
The developmental stages of Paracalanus crassirostris Dahl, 1894 (Decapoda, Calanoida)
1973 |
Lawson, Thomas J. |
Some new clumacea from deep water in the Atlantic
1973 |
Jones, N. S. |
On the identity of Lanceola aestiv Stebbing, 1888 (Amphipoda, Lanceolidae)
1973 |
Thurston, Michael H. |
The effect of the environment on the morphology of Munida gregaria (Fabricius) (Decapoda, Anomura)
1973 |
Williams, Barbara G. |
The description of the female of the ostracod Bathyconghoecia sagittarius Deevey, 1968 (Myodocopida, Haalocyprididae)
1973 |
Angel, M. V. |
Siphonolabrum mirabile n. gen., n. sp. (Tanaidacea)
1972 |
Lang, Karl |
Experimental study on the ecology of Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Müller) (Cladocera)
1972 |
Bhajan, W. R. |