Price competition between pure play versus bricks-and-clicks e-tailers : analytical model and empirical analysis
2002 |
Pan, Xing |
Transaction innovation and the role of the firm
2002 |
Spulber, Daniel F. |
Consumer acquisition of product information and subsequent purchase channel decisions
2002 |
Ward, Michael R. |
Business-to-business e-commerce : value creation, value capture and valuation
2002 |
Garicano, Luis |
Analyzing website choice using clickstream data
2002 |
Goldfarb, Avi |
The impact of the Internet on horizontal and vertical competition : market efficiency and value chain reconfiguration
2002 |
Elberse, Anita |
Price disperison then and now : evidence from retail and e-tail markets
2002 |
Scholten, Patrick A. |
An economic analysis of multiple Internet QoS channels
2002 |
Stahl, Dale O. |
Trust among strangers in Internet transactions : empirical analysis of eBay's reputation system
2002 |
Resnick, Paul |
Combinatorial auctions in the information age : an experimental study
2002 |
Morgan, John |
A model of vertical differentiation, brand loyality, and persuasive advertising
2001 |
Tremblay, Victor J. |
Effects of advertising on US non-alcoholic beverage demand : evidence from a two-stage Rotterdam model
2001 |
Race and radio : preference externalities, minority ownership, and the provision of programming to minorities
2001 |
Siegelman, Peter |
The value of advertising in a magazine bundle
2001 |
Depken, Craig A. |
Alcohol advertising and advertising bans : a survey of research methods, results, and policy implications
2001 |
Nelson, Jon Paul |
Pricing dynamics of multiproduct retailers
2001 |
Hosken, Daniel S. |
Mandated exclusive territories : efficiency effects and regulatory selection bias
2001 |
Sass, Tim Roger |
The long-run demand for alcoholic beverages and the advertising debate : a cointegration analysis
2001 |
Coulson, N. Edward |
Product innovation in services : a framework for analysis
2001 |
Betancourt, Roger R. |
Asymptotic efficiency in Stackelberg markets with incomplete information
2001 |
Zhang, Jianbo |