[Rezension von: Information and incentives in organizations, ed. by Seppo Honkapohja]
1992 |
Pescetto, Gioia M. |
Optimal unemployment insurance and experience rating
1989 |
Brown, Murray |
Communication and inventory as substitutes in organizing production
1989 |
Milgrom, Paul |
Human capital and self-enforcing contracts
1989 |
Azariadēs, Kōstas |
Stock market portfolios and the segmentation of the insurance market
1989 |
Laffont, Jean-Jacques |
Qualitative uncertainty in a market with bilateral trading
1989 |
Bester, Helmut |
The basic analytics of moral hazard
1989 |
Arnott, Richard |
Credentials and wage discrimination
1989 |
Wilson, Robert |
Fair wages when individual choice sets are incomplete : an application of a model with indivisibilities
1989 |
Svensson, Lars-Gunnar |
Profit sharing, unions and investments
1989 |
Hoel, Michael |
Job security, work incentives and unemployment
1989 |
Lindbeck, Assar |
Monitoring of performance in organizational contracting : the case of defense procurement
1989 |
Baron, David P. |
Piecewise linear incentive schemes
1989 |
Gjesdal, Frøystein |
Allocation of capital and labor in a labor-owned firm consisting of heterogeneous workers
1989 |
Askildsen, Jan Erik |
Dynamic behavior of a labor-managed team
1989 |
Näslund, Bertil |
Internal labour markets and democratic labour-managed firms
1989 |
Ireland, Norman J. |
Bargaining structures and delay in innovation
1989 |
Ulph, Alistair |
Using trembling-hand perfection to alleviate the interlinked principal-agent problem
1989 |
Allen, Beth Elaine |
Commitment in procurement contracting
1989 |
Riordan, Michael H. |
Rules or discretion in public sector decision-making
1989 |
Andersen, Torben M. |