[Rezension von: Garden transmissions : word, image, experience, future / edited by Cristina Castel-Branco. - [Lisbon] : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, [2023]]
2024 |
Hunt, John Dixon |
Garden transmissions : sending, receiving, transforming
2023 |
Treib, Marc |
The transmission of garden designs : sixteenth to early seventeenth century
2023 |
Segre, Ada V. |
Transmissions through landscape architecture education from Germany to Portugal
2023 |
Andresen, Teresa |
Transmission of knowledge in the early modern period : traces of German court gardeners
2023 |
Lauterbach, Iris |
The value of a place and the research in the field of gardens : the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens, 1990-2020
2023 |
Latini, Luigi |
Truth and garden : garden transmissions
2023 |
Caruncho, Fernando |
From Linnaeus to Greta : transmissions in landscape design
2023 |
Andersson, Thorbjörn |
In the looking glass : compositional principles of major European styles on the margins of the Habsburg Empire
2023 |
Kučan, Ana |
Sixteenth-century garden transmissions from India to Portugal
2023 |
Castel-Branco, Cristina |
Nature in the city : Hispanic alamedas
2023 |
Luengo, Mónica |
The Anthropocene : gardening the critical zone
2023 |
Sijmons, Dirk F. |
From Western Europe to imperial Russia : a fair and fruitful transmission in garden design
2023 |
Ducamp, Emmanuel |
Did the Chinese give Europe the English garden?
2023 |
Jacques, David |
Migrating forms : the obelisk fountain in Italy and Portugal
2023 |
Tchikine, Anatole |
Introduction - Garden transmissions : word/image/experience/future
2023 |
Castel-Branco, Cristina |
2023 |
Wirth, Didier |
The journeys of a dike
2023 |
Nunes, João |
The influence of the Grand Tour and travels on the programs of the first English gardens in the Low Countries
2023 |
De Harlez de Deulin, Nathalie |
The transatlantic wilderness garden
2023 |
O'Malley, Therese |