To sea and be seen : reconstruction of the strategic building program at Maillezais Abbey
2023 |
Abel, Mickey |
An essay on Villard de Honnecourt and Cambrai cathedral
2023 |
Barnes, Carl F. |
Villard de Honnecourt: Gothic carpenter
2023 |
Brooks, George |
Late medieval angel machines
2023 |
Gillette, Amy |
From half to full "palmier" : factors contributing the final chevet design of Toulouse's Jacobin Church
2023 |
Sundt, Richard Alfred |
The Counterweight Trebuchet, the history of its name in medieval France and Britain, and the terminology of its components in Villard de Honnecourt
2023 |
Sayers, William |
The reach of the Gothic : monastic architecture and the intersection of traditions in eastern Europe
2023 |
Sullivan, Alice Isabella |
Representational conventions and Villard's architectural drawings
2023 |
Hutterer, Maile Sophia |
Like clockwork : timely authorial mechanisms in Guillaume de Machaut
2023 |
Wilson Ruffo, Kathleen |
ReCOGnition : revisiting medieval gearing from Vitruvius to print
2023 |
Walton, Steven A. |
Warrior kings and savvy abbots : the depiction of contemporary costumes on the Cross of the Sculptures at Clonmacnois
2023 |
Williams, Maggie M. |
Through a glass, darkly : Villard's notebook, the liberal arts, and the problem of architectural meaning
2023 |
Gustafson, Erik |
Mortar, measure, masonry : who created the Gothic-style?
2023 |
James, John |
Adaptation and audience : remodeling Notre-Dame d'Étampes in the thirteenth century
2023 |
Thompson, Sarah Elizabeth |
Holy Toledo redux : reconsidering art-historical taxonomy and the morphology of Toledo Cathedral
2023 |
Bork, Robert Odell |
Further beyond Villard : the rose window design at Saint-Quentin
2023 |
Shortell, Ellen M. |
Hugues Libergier and his instruments
2023 |
Wu, Nancy Y. |
Design in the details : the choir of the cathedral of Clermont-Ferrand
2023 |
Davis, Michael Trabue |