Hermann Grassmanns Beitrag zur Algebrentheorie
1985 |
Schlote, Karl-Heinz |
Towards a history of algebra from Leonardo of Pisa to Luca Pacioli
1985 |
Franci, R. |
La Tribiblos Astronomique de Theadore Meliteniote : (Vat. gr. 792)
1985 |
Leurquin, Regine |
Reducible and trivial decompositions concerning Egyptian arithmetics
1981 |
Bruins, Evert M. |
The Amsterdam Pharmacist Van Barneveld (1747-1826) and the Discovery of Photosynthesis (1778)
1981 |
Snelders, Henricus A. M. |
Egyptian Arithmetic
1981 |
Bruins, Evert M. |
A propos d'un algorisme latin de Frankenthal : une méthode de recherche
1978 |
Allard, André |
Dissociation, Darwinism and Entropy : a case-study from the history of physical chemistry
1977 |
Snelders, H.A.M. |
Un traité astronomique Chypriote du XIVe siècle
1977 |
Tihon, Anne |
A Fortiori Arguments in the Bible, in Paley's Writings and in the "Origin of Species"
1977 |
Bartov, H. |
Alchemy, with the egg as its symbol
1976 |
Mahdihassan, S. |
The attitude in the Netherlands towards the atomic theory during the first half of the nineteenth century
1976 |
Snelders, Henricus A. M. |
L'affinage de l'or, de Crésus aux premiers alchimistes
1975 |
Halleux, Robert |
Brueghel's "Alchemist" and its influence in particular on Jan Steen
1974 |
Brinkman, A. A. A. M. |
Point-Atomism in nineteenth Century Germany
1971 |
Snelders, Henricus A. M. |
Colloidal gold as an alchemical preparation
1971 |
Mahdihassan, S. |
Basic terms of greek alchemy in historical perspective
1970 |
Mahdihassan, S. |
The correspondence of Hugo de Vries and Charles Darwin
1970 |
Pas, Peter W. van der |
The influence of Brueghel's print "The alchemist"
1967 |
Brinkman, A. A. A. M. |
La vie scientifique à Anvers au XVII-ième siècle
1966 |
Aernouts, Regina |