The hundredth anniversary of the History of Science Society (HSS)
2024 |
Lightman, Bernard V. |
A "truly international" discipline: Adverbs, ideals, and the reinvention of international mathematics, 1920-1950
2023 |
Barany, Michael J. |
Paper knowledge and statistical precision
2023 |
Oertzen, Christine von |
Diverse shapes: Used goods as material resources in early modern sciences
2023 |
Werrett, Simon |
The nature of glass: Technologies of transparency, materials on the move
2023 |
Dupré, Sven |
African indigo in the French Atlantic: Michel Adanson's encounter with Senegal
2023 |
Terrall, Mary |
An (un)natural history: Tracing the magical Rhinoceros horn in Egypt
2023 |
Moore, Taylor M. |
What is information history?
2023 |
Mak, Bonnie |
An ocean apart: Meteorology and the elusive observatories of British Malaya
2023 |
Williamson, Fiona |
On kaolin and its substitutes; or, the management of whiteness
2023 |
Marchand, Suzanne L. |
Inventing the scientific revolution
2023 |
Secord, James A. |
Abstract administration of perception: Observing and transcribing dead bodies in the forensic methodology of Qing China (1644-1912)
2023 |
Xie, Xin-zhe |
The Secrets of the Placenta in European Anatomy and Midwifery, 1560-1700
2023 |
Donaghy, Paige |
Climate conscious: Caribbean commodities and holdridge life zones, 1940s-1960s
2023 |
Lucier, Oliver |
Monstrosity in medical science: Race-making and teratology in the nineteenth-century United States
2023 |
Rich, Miriam |
Locating the Central Asiatic Expedition: Epistemic imperialism in vertebrate paleontology
2023 |
Rieppel, Lukas |
Oleoresin capsicum: The racial-political history of a ubiquitous chemical munition
2023 |
Keel, Terence |
Animals, film, audiences: Regulating cruelty and morality through science and law in interwar Britain
2023 |
Luo, Anin |
Ernst Mach's popular science
2023 |
Barr, Zachary |
Science in the church: The sacred spaces of sonorous experiment and the formation of modern acoustics
2023 |
Gillin, Edward John |