Scheidplatz. Olympic underground station - Munich 1972
2021 |
Göbel, Hannah |
Facing the inevitable change – Does conservation still make sense? : the case of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium
2021 |
Salastie, Riitta |
(Weight)lifting the olympic heritage : the "White Elephants" of Athens 2004
2021 |
Zinova Weber, Korinna |
The legacy of the Roman olympics : a new conservation strategy for the Flaminio Stadium
2021 |
Carughi, Ugo |
Olympia in der Provinz : Boomtowns Augsburg - Kiel 1972
2021 |
Gisbertz, Olaf |
The architectural heritage of the Moscow 1980 Olympic Games today : an inventory list
2021 |
Vasilʹev, Nikolaj Jurʹevič |
Sit-in! Sitting in the Olympic Park : seating furniture of the Olympic Games 1972
2021 |
Mayr, Veronika |
Olympic heritage in Amsterdam
2021 |
Kuipers, Marieke |
The heritage of sport in Rome and its conservation : some examples
2021 |
Bellanca, Calogero |
Der Olympiapark in München - ein "Gebrauchsgegenstand" unter Denkmalschutz?
2021 |
Bergande, Bettina |
De la norme olympique au modèle architectural : les années pionnières des édifices sportifs (1894-1924)
2021 |
Blay, Jean-Pierre |
Tokyo 1964-2020 : the olympic sport facilities of 1964 and their roles at the Olympic Games in 2020 : with a focus on the work of Kenzo Tange
2021 |
Kono, Toshiyuki |
Olympische Sommerspiele und Stadtentwicklung
2021 |
Zenk, Sandra |
Media Line im Olympischen Dorf : ein Kunstwerk von Hans Hollein
2021 |
Zhang, Yinzhe |
The ticket booths at the Olympic Stadium Munich
2021 |
Çavdar, Meltem |
The colour scheme of the Munich Olympic Games 1972 : from concept to materials
2021 |
Sessa, Clarimma |
The heritage of the Olympic Games – future outlook, world heritage list and way forward
2021 |
Dharshini Karunanithi, Saranya |
Living heritage - Das Olympiadorf von 1972 im Ensemble Olympiapark München
2021 |
Mühlenbeck-Krausen, Monika |
Der Olympiapark München - demokratisches Grün als Gesamtkunstwerk
2021 |
Keller, Regine |
Montréal's Olympic Park, still alive
2021 |
Vanlaethem, France |