Sfumato in Leonardo's portraits : optical and psychophysical mechanisms
2021 |
Thaler, David S. |
Un dessin en mouvement
2021 |
Chabrier, Renaud |
Les remarquables dessins anatomiques de Léonard de Vinci
2021 |
Clarac, François |
Leonard de Vinci : premier scientifique mondial de la bionique
2021 |
Finckenstein, Joachim von |
Like the back of your hand : Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical knowledge of the human hand and what has (not) changed in 500 years
2021 |
Kivell, Tracy L. |
Leonardo's anatomical studies and drawings : origin and historical development
2021 |
Laurenza, Domenico |
Histoire du dépôt de dessins anatomiques de Léonard de Vinci, conservés à la Bibliothèque Royale de Turin
2021 |
Pagella, Enrica |
Léonard de la ville de Vinci : anatomiste
2021 |
Dennison, John |
À l'origine d'une nouvelle science : l'anatomie comparée
2021 |
Lumley, Marie-Antoinette de |
Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of busts of old men and women with monstrous faces : satire as moral criticism
2021 |
Kwakkelstein, Michael W. |
La main vue par Léonard de Vinci, de la fonction à l'anatomie
2021 |
Laulan, Jacky |
Léonard de Vinci : inventions et innovations en anatomie
2021 |
Le Nen, Dominique |
Art, science and the birth of biomechanics
2021 |
Organ, Jason M. |
Leonardo da Vinci and the early evolution of earth sciences
2021 |
Tattersall, Ian |
Leonardo da Vinci's representation of the head and skull : a blending of scientific precision and the search for hidden truths
2021 |
Laitman, Jeffrey T. |
Leonardo and the visualization of anatomy
2021 |
Shearer, Brian |
Leonardo da Vinci as a specialist in facial anatomy and the key to Mona Lisa's smile
2021 |
Burrows, Anne M. |
Evidence for extraordinary visual acuity in Leonardo's comment on a dragonfly
2021 |
Thaler, David S. |
Léonard de Vinci, anatomiste : pionnier de l'anatomie comparée, de la biomécanique, de la bionique et de la physiognomie
2021 |
Lumley, Henry de |
Lenses, mirrors and artists' drawings : a view of ourselves through time
2021 |
Smith, Timothy D. |