Coals and cables: The remarkable career of MV Dame Caroline Haslett
2023 |
Baker, Nina |
An astrolabe from the wreck of Santiago, 1585
2023 |
Kardasz, Pawel |
"This unfortunate man": Imperial German naval captain and lifelong pacifist Heinz Kraschutzki
2023 |
Foxley, Suzanne Amy |
Greenfield Shipyards and Modernization in the British Shipbuilding Industry and Elsewhere, 1900-1977
2022 |
Murphy, Hugh |
From Rustic Fishing Boats to Steel Trawlers : The development of fishing vessels on the west coast of Sweden, 1850-1980
2022 |
Bornmalm, Lennart |
The development of merchant ship composite hull construction in Britain, 1850-1880
2022 |
King, Peter |
Revisiting the brigantine problem: The origins and development of eighteenth-century two-masted square-rigged ship types
2022 |
Burningham, Nick |
Did Steam Make Shipping Safer? Evidence from the British Coastal Bulk Trades
2022 |
Fenton, Roy |
German contributions to solving the longitude problem in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
2022 |
Köberer, Wolfgang |
"A Ticklish Craft": viewing Britain’s empire from inside a birch-bark canoe in the eighteenth century
2022 |
Knoerl, T. Kurt |
Bloody Orkney? A comparison of the perceptions held by sailors and the reality of leisure and recreational opportunities at Scapa Flow during the First World War
2022 |
Watson, Ian |
The Periplus of Pseudo-Skylax and its Relationship with Earlier Nautical Knowledge
2022 |
Mauro, Chiara Maria |
The Rise and Fall of the United Kingdom Shipbreaking Industry from 1945 to 1995
2021 |
Holme, Richard |
Bellingshausen in Britain: Supplying the Russian Antarctic expedition, 1819
2021 |
Bulkeley, Rip |
Aboard a rudderless ship: Replacing stern rudders mid-voyage in the English and French navies, 1750-1850
2021 |
Leal-Tamarii, Anatauarii |
The Royal Navy's difficulties with implementing iron water tanks, about 1815 to 1840
2020 |
Plumbly, Andy |
Pitch, paint, varnish and the changing colour schemes of Royal Navy warships, 1775-1815: A summary of existing knowledge
2020 |
Vale, Brian |
The autobiography of W. G. Hammock (1825-1912), marine engineer
2020 |
O'Farrell , Brendan |
Early sixteenth-century shipbuilding in Mexico: Dimensions and tonnages of the vessels designed for Pacific Ocean navigation
2020 |
Casabán, Jose L. |
William Schaw Lindsay and the oceangoing auxiliary steamer
2020 |
Lindsay, William Stewart |