On-board radio communication and its development in a historical perspective
2024 |
Rey Charlo, Raquel Esther |
Following the icy thing : when natural ice was a commodity
2022 |
Atkinson, David |
The "Last Ice Age" in maritime history : an introduction
2022 |
Norseng, Per G. |
Rooting for ro-ro : Exploring how strategic choices by pulp and paper companies contributed to Sweden's specialized naritime export systems, 1960-2015
2022 |
Lennerfors, Thomas Taro |
Ice from "nature's factory"
2022 |
Bagle, Eyvind |
Two conferences in the natural ice trade
2022 |
Nygaard, Knut Michael |
Hanseatic twilight? Lübeck’s shipping networks in the latter half of the eighteenth century
2022 |
Kaukiainen, Yrjö |
Creation of a port authority in nineteenth century British India: Organisational structure and administrative procedures in the Port of Calcutta
2022 |
Singh, Ankita |
On the origin, foundational designs and first manufacture of the modern catamaran
2022 |
Fernández, Rodrigo Pérez |
The French refrigeration industry's protectionism propaganda against Norwegian ice imports, 1899-1920
2022 |
Dorovitsa, Effie |
Renewable vs fossil fuel : How a fossil-fuel powered industry pushed a renewable resource out of the ice market in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
2022 |
Heidbrink, Ingo |
Excitement and prey : Captains' wives and the experience of marine animals on US whaling ships in the nineteenth century
2022 |
Syväsalmi, Emilia |
The Victoria: An example of Basque maritime technology that enabled the first circumnavigation of the globe, 1518-1522
2021 |
Alberdi Lonbide, Xabier |
A traditional sport: Smuggling among South Funen sailors, 1950-1990
2021 |
Jensen, Nils Valderdorf |
The Dutch North Sea fishery in times of trouble and turmoil, 1806-1813
2021 |
Joor, Johan |
The ship in the shop: An art history of late medieval ship models
2021 |
Timmermann, Achim |
Transportation efficiency in eighteenth-century merchant vessels
2021 |
Riggs, David |
War stimulus: The Japanese threat and rebirth of the North America Pacific Coast shipbuilding industry, 1937-1946
2021 |
Madsen, Chris |
Economic necessity and political reality in the GDR: Establishing an overseas port at Rostock
2021 |
Stollenwerk, Joseph A. |
The nineteenth-century US whaling industry: Whwere is the risk premium? New materials facilitate updated view
2021 |
Coffey, Barbara L. |