Vprašanje umetnostnega naročništva pri treh dolnjeprekmurskih župnikih, ki so v poznem 17. stoletju študirali v Bologni
2023 |
Žnidaršič Golec, Lilijana |
Umetnostna dediščina vitezov Klarwillov iz dvorca Podsmreka pri Višnji Gori
2023 |
Košak, Tina |
"In the appropriate setting" : continuity and context in the Alba collection in Liria palace (1931-1957)
2023 |
Dennis, Whitney |
Plečnikova oprema župnijske cerkve sv. Cirila in Metoda za Bežigradom v Ljubljani
2023 |
Lazarini, Franci |
The Molin collection between the Old and New Regime
2023 |
Candeago, Arianna |
Old edifices, new uses : three residential buildings of a romanian aristocratic family and their destiny after 1930
2023 |
Marin-Barutcieff, Silvia |
The role and activities of custodians of aristocratic collections in Bohemia in the 19th century and first half of the 20th century : selected examples
2023 |
Radostová, Šárka |
The new life of baroque castles in North-Western Croatia : the renovation of the Erdödy and Vranyczány Families' castles at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries
2023 |
Botica, Dubravka |
Ponovno o stavbni zgodovini cerkve sv. Miklavža na Godešiču in Ikonografiji poslikave njene zahodne fasade
2023 |
Cerkovnik, Gašper |
Zgodovinski prizori in portreti za zdravilišče Rogaška Slatina v zgodnjem 20. stoletju
2023 |
Vidmar, Polona |
Srednjeveška stavbna zgodovina kapele sv. Jakoba v Konjicah : analiza arhivskih virov, arhitekture, stenskih poslikav in stavbne plastike
2023 |
Oter Gorenčič, Mija |
The stateless nation's elite : artistic collections of polish aristocracy, 1795-1918
2023 |
Kłudkiewicz, Kamila |
Ca' Rezzonico in the 19th century : the dispersal of its collections and the new uses of the palace
2023 |
Paruzzo, Valeria |
The restoration and refunctionalisation of medieval fortified manor houses by the portuguese dictatorial regime (1926-1974)
2023 |
Santos, Joaquim Rodrigues dos |
"Keep that german kitsch away from the czech hands" : ethnic cleansing in the light of material culture : furnischings of the displaced moravian and silesian nobility on the post-1945 Brno auction market
2023 |
Rusinko, Marcela |
Zadnji člani Dizmove bratovščine po seznamu iz leta 1801 : dejanski in potencialni umetnostni naročniki = Last members of the Noble Society of St Dismas according to the list of 1801 : actual and potential commissioners of artworks
2022 |
Golec, Boris |
Socialne vezi źupnika, prošta in arhidiakona Valentina Fabrija, ambicioznega naročnika gradbenih del : = The social ties of the parish priest, provost, and archdeacon Valentin Fabri, an ambitious commissioner of construction works
2022 |
Žnidaršič Golec, Lilijana |
Člani Dizmove bratovščine v polstoletju 1719-1771 : dejanski in potencialni naročniki umetnostnih del = Members of the Noble Society of St Dismas between 1719 and 1771 : actual and potential commissioners of artworks
2022 |
Golec, Boris |
Freske iz prve polovice 14. stoletja v cerkvi sv. Mihaela v Biljani : = The mural paintings from the first half of the 14th century in the church of St Michael in Biljana
2022 |
Turk Marolt, Sara |
Plemiško javno umetnostno naročništvo v Kopru : vloga mestnega urada prokuratorjev in nekdanjih študentov univerze v Padovi pri gradnji koprske stolnice = Public art commissions by Koper/Capodistria Noblemen : the role of the city procurators and of University of Padua graduates in the construction of Capodistria Cathedral
2022 |
Seražin, Helena |