[Rezension von: The saint enshrined : european tabernacel-altarpieces, c. 1150-1400 / Fernando Gutiérrez Baños, Justin Kroesen, Elisabeth Andersen (eds.). - 2020]
2022 |
Mattison, Elizabeth Rice |
[Rezension von: The saint enshrined : european tabernacel-altarpieces, c. 1150-1400 / Fernando Gutiérrez Baños, Justin Kroesen, Elisabeth Andersen (eds.). - 2020]
2021 |
O'Donnell-Morales, Maeve |
Tabernacle shrines (1180-1400) as a European phenomenon: types, spread, survival
2020 |
Kroesen, Justin E. A. |
Tabernacle-altarpieces in Central Europe: examples, types, iconography
2020 |
Kemperdick, Stephan |
Central Italian "Tabernacula": A survey
2020 |
Pasqualetti, Cristiana |
(Dis)closed: Tabernacle altarpieces in the Rhineland
2020 |
Ralcheva, Pavla |
Movement on the altar: Gothic tabernacle-altarpieces in the Crown of Aragon (and their context)
2020 |
Velasco González, Alberto |
Images and altar structures in Romanesque Catalonia : a restored Virgin and Child sculpture in the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
2020 |
Camps i Sòria, Jordi |
El tabernáculo de la Virgen de los Reyes y la memoria documental de otros tabernáculos Góticos de la Catedral de Sevilla
2020 |
Laguna Paúl, Teresa |
Tabernacle-altarpieces: Variety within unity
2020 |
Gutiérrez Baños, Fernando |
Closing the tabernacle: European Madonna tabernacles c. 1150-c. 1350
2020 |
Andersen, Elisabeth |
[Rezension von: The saint enshrined : European tabernacel-altarpieces, c. 1150-1400 / Fernando Gutiérrez Baños, Justin Kroesen, Elisabeth Andersen (eds.). - 2020]
2020 |
Sureda y Jubany, Marc |
Minor or major? Castilian tabernacle-altarpieces and the monumental arts
2020 |
Gutiérrez Baños, Fernando |
Marian tabernacles on main altars: Norwegian thirteenth-century altar decorations in their European context
2020 |
Kuhn, Stephan |