Živopisʹ "fakta" i poėtika pozdnego avangarda
2019 |
Zlydneva, Natalija Vitalʹevna |
Nikolai Khardzhiev and Russian avant-garde modernism
2019 |
Ioffe, Dennis G. |
Homo aristocraticus cum artisticus : the Russian émigré Künstlerroman and its modernist environment
2019 |
Panova, Lada Gennadʹevna |
N. I. Khardzhiev and Sergei Segay
2019 |
Janecek, Gerald |
Avangard uproščennogo realizma : deti, Lenin i fotomontaž
2019 |
Ušakin, Sergej Aleksandrovič |
Michail Larinov: materija i živopisʹ
2019 |
Bobrinskaja, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna |
Strongmen of the revolution : circus wrestlers in Russian and early soviet avant-garde art
2019 |
Harte, Tim |
Vdokhnovlennyi yurodivyi: Tatlin, portraits and self-identity
2019 |
Misler, Nicoletta |
Nikolai Ivanovich Khardzhiev and Sergei Vsevolodovich Sigei
2019 |
Weststeijn, Willem G. |
Kazimir Malevich and his legacy : rekonstruktion and deconstruction
2019 |
Lodder, Christina |
Aspects of organizational history : the first Russian art exhibition in Amsterdam
2019 |
Ostrovskaja, Anna |
Ostranenie i uznavanie modernizma : perečityvaja šklovskogo
2019 |
Lipoveckij, Mark Naumovič |
The forbidden bestseller or the most forgotten poem about the revolution
2019 |
Rossomachin, Andrej Anatolʹevič |
Nina Kogan - "sestra naboglazaja" : Kogan, Miturič, Chlebnikov
2019 |
Gorjačeva, Tatʹjana Vadimovna |
Chlebnikov - Majakovskij - Miturič : k istorii odnogo konflikta (predvaritelʹnye zametki)
2019 |
Parnis, A. E. |
Vklad Nikolaja Ivanoviča Chardžieva v sozdanie knigi Kamilly Grej "Velikij ėksperiment: russkoe iskusstvo 1863-1922"
2019 |
Šatskich, Aleksandra Semënovna |
Nikolaj Chardžiev i raznovektornaja politika avangardnogo modernizma : teorii i praktiki
2019 |
Ioffe, Dennis G. |
Resurrecting the avant-garde : post-modernist tactics in Moscow conceptualism
2019 |
Nicholas, Mary A. |
Pavel Filonov and the natural sciences
2019 |
Bowlt, John E. |
Iliazd's "Poésie des mots inconnus" : many lives, many words
2019 |
Wilson, Sarah |