[Rezension von: A man of vision : Paul Coremans and the preservation of cultural heritage worldwide : proceedings of the International Symposium Paul Coremans held in Brussels, 15-17 June 2015 / edited by Dominique Deneffe and Dominique Vanwijnsberghe . - 2018]
2019 |
Serck-Dewaide, Myriam |
Paul Coremans (1908-1965): a pioneer chemist in the application of scientific techniques to the Visual Arts
2018 |
Deelstra, Hendrik |
Early museum laboratories and the pursuit of objectivity
2018 |
Vanpaemel, Geert |
Paul Coremans, un expert de l'UNESCO au Brésil: aperçu de sa contribution au développement du patrimoine brésilien
2018 |
Brito, Diogo de Souza |
The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage: design and realisation of a ground-breaking building
2018 |
Madalijns, Gertjan |
Le quotidien d'un idéal: l'"Agneau mystique", catalyseur de l'interdisciplinarité
2018 |
Claes, Marie-Christine |
Paul Coremans and Sheldon and Caroline Keck: a collegial friendship that influenced the development of conservation education in North America
2018 |
Portell, Jean D. |
The Amsterdam X-Rays for Coremans and Van Schendel
2018 |
Hartmann, Rick F.E.D. |
Paul Coremans, l'inventaire photographique du patrimoine artistique belge et ses relations avec l'occupant, 1940-1945
2018 |
Kott, Christina |
D.G. van Beuningen's crusade against Paul Coremans
2018 |
Koomen, Arjan de |
Vijfting jaar 14C-dateringen aan het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium (KIK-IRPA) te Brussel
2018 |
Strydonck, Mark van |
Expertise in the Van Meegeren case: the contributions by Coremans, Froentjes and De Wild
2018 |
Wallert, Arie |
Museum policy concerning the conservation and restoration of artworks and the Rubens and Ensor research projects at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
2018 |
Bonne, Karen |
Paul Coremans, Edgar Richardson and the 1960 Flemish art show: a transatlantic friendship forged by a transatlantic exhibition
2018 |
You, Yao-Fen |
"Dear Paul, Cher Pan" : Paul Coremans et Erwin Panofsky: histoire d'une amitié
2018 |
Vanwijnsberghe, Dominique |
At ICCROM's Cradle: Paul Coremans and the beginning of the "Rome Centre"
2018 |
De Caro, Stefano |
Paul Coremans et la restructuration du Laboratoire du Musée du Louvre dans l'après-guerre
2018 |
Bourdiel, Camille |
Paul Coremans et ses actions en faveur de la sauvegarde des peintures murales
2018 |
Hans-Collas, Ilona |
Arthur van Schendel: friend and companion in the world of museums and conservation
2018 |
Filedt Kok, J. P. |
Un inoubliable meneur d'hommes
2018 |
Colman, Pierre |